Ch 2 - Goodbye Genfield

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"Are you sure Oda?" Asked Professor Johnson , " Yes it's the only thing I can do." Replied the addressed girl
"Prepared Everything , I mean have you found a place to stay ?"
She just nodded . " I'm worried child , so very worried." He looked at her pitifully .
<Oda's POV>
I wonder what'll happen now , what'll become of me now.....

The drive from Genfield city was 5 hours long , but for some reason it felt longer .Maybe cause I have too much going on in my head. Yeah maybe ... All throughout the ride I looked out the window , with a mind full of unclear thoughts , so many decisions that were to be made kept bugging me .
Soon after , the van parked in front of a brownstone building , it had a small yard which was empty except for a bench and a tree which seemed quite old . The surrounding area was empty and the shops were closed as it was night time .
The driver of the van I booked got out and began to move some of my stuff out of the van and into the building , I got a hold of some boxes as well . As we entered the building we were greeted by a lady , perhaps in her mid 50's . She looked at us and smiled and began to head towards the room I had rented , the interior of the building was nicely maintained the walls seemed freshly painted and the floor was carpeted a royal red . We arrived at my room , she opened it and let us in , the man set the boxes he was holding  down and went out to get the rest . I stood there and took a look at my room . It was nothing extraordinary , a cozy little place , I was fine with it .Afterall it wasn't like I was gonna stay here forever .
After I was done moving I made preparations to go to sleep , a long day was awaiting me ahead . A day filled with new people and new things . A whole new chapter of my life was about to unfurl .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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