Chapter #1: Sugar Cube Corner

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Fluttershy looked out her window. All she could see is the spooky EverFree Forest her and her friends traveled through a while back. She felt sorrow, and nostaliga fall over her. She, of all ponies was lonley? Uh, No. She thought. "Well," She spoke to herself. "Twilight Sparkle is off doing Princess Duties, Applejack has stuff to do at Sweet Apple Acres, Rarity is working on new dresses at Carosuel Boutique, and well Rainbow Dash is working on getting in the Wonderbolts. (Again)" "And, Well, Pinkie is, uh, Pinkie is, yup!" Not making sense to herself, she looked down at her hooves. She smiled. 'I better go over there, to see if she needs any help in any possible way. Not that I'm desperate.' She thought to herself. She grabbed her change purse, cause she would probably end up spending bits. For pete sakes, it's Sugar Cube Corner! She grabbed her change purse and headed out the door, but before she could grab it, A pink blob of hair appeared at her doorstep. She flew to the door, then fell, and hit her head. Head aching, she grabbed the door. "Hello, Pinkie." She said with a smile on her face. Pinkie Pie was smiling too, well of course she was, she's PINKIE! "Let's go to Sugar Cube Corner!" Pinkie said with a smile on her face. "I was just about to grab my change purse." Fluttershy replied. "Okay!" Pinkie Pie said. Fluttershy felt butterflies in her stomach. She didn't know why, but they were there. She grabbed her change purse, in order to leave. "Let's go!" Fluttershy said. Pinkie Pie skipped, and jumped to Sugar Cube Corner. Fluttershy hovered over her. Both slow paced, and the trip was very silent. Until halfway, and PinkiePie yelled, "Race Ya!", and jumped like crazy. Fluttershy flew faster than ever, and beat Pinkie Pie by alot. Once she stopped, there was no Sugar Cube Corner. She looked, confused, shocked, scared. "Wha-huh?" Fluttershy said quietly. She thought there was nobody in the broken building, but tons of chaos, PinkiePie hopped along, ahead of her. Fluttershy stood at the lot Sugar Cube Corner was in. "I must be going insane.." She thought. Mrs. Cake, Mr. Cake and they're fillies were pushed out of the building. Pinkiepie smacked her head into a wall. "Yup, this feels like Sugar Cube Corner! Uh, Where is it?" She asked. PinkiePie froze in her footsteps. "Mrs Cake," She said slowly. "Mr. Cake," She looked at them. "Wh-what's going on?!" She yelled. "Pinkie Pie Dear, Calm down." Mrs Cake said. "NO! I won't calm down! What's going on!?" She yelled even louder. "We don't know," Mrs Cake spoke, calmly. "It's okay, PinkiePie," Fluttershy put her wing over Pinkie's shoulder. Pinkie got mad, and accidently hit Fluttershy with her hooves. Fluttershy was on the floor. Fluttershy's eyes were closed. Her heart beated slower, slower, and slower. Pinkie cried. Her curls became flat. She couldn't of done this to her friend, she just, couldn't of! As loud as she could possibly scream, she screamed, "SOMEBODY CALL A DOCTOR!" Still, Mr. Cake said nothing

-Like This Part? Great! Part 2 Will Come out eventually. And yes, they get more dramatic.-

~xPastoral, aka Lilliana

Happiness With A Bit Of Kindness [A Story Of Best Friends. Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy] (Pinkieshy)Where stories live. Discover now