Back Together. ((Fluff))

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((Hey Guys! Hope you like this (Y/n) x Shinso! Gunna post more soon! Enjoy!))

Age: 4


I was wondering in a forest that was off limits but I did not know that because I was a stupid child but anyways I was walking around not knowing where I was going until I noticed I was lost in the middle of the of know where!

So I started going back to where I think I came from, but then I tripped on a stupid rock that was in my way, Making me fall down a short hill making me sprain my ankle badly somehow but then I started crying because of the pain hoping someone hears.

Shinso's Pov

I started running away from some bullies through some alleyway I saw the forest gate saying off limits so I ran into the forest past the gates hoping I lost the bullies in the forest,

once I lost sight of them I slowed down walking but then I heard someone crying from down a hill so I carefully slid down the hill so I don't fall Myself to see where it was coming from. Once I got to the bottom I saw a girl about my age hurt so I walked up to her. "H-hey you okay...?" I'd look at the girl.

(Y/n)'s Pov

I looked up seeing a messy purple haired boy that looked like he had no sleep for weeks as I whipped my tears away trying to be brave even though I wasn't. " ankle hurts..." I'd look at my bruised ankle.

Shinso's Pov

I bent down to the girl's ankle seeing it was just sprained so I took out my emergency first aid kit that's small enough to fit in my pocket just in case. "H-here let me help you..." I started bandaging her ankle.

(Y/n)'s Pov

"T-thank you..." I sniffle whipping my face clean since it had dirt on it, but I cleaned it with my sleeve thankfully.

Shinso's Pov

"Your what happened to you anyways?" I'd tilt my head a bit asking the girl giving her my hand to help her stand up.

(Y/n)'s Pov

I'd grab the purple haired boy's hand. "W-well I was bored and I just wanted to have fun so I wondered through the gates to the forest but then I ended up getting lost so I started walking back to where I think I came from but then I tripped on a rock making me fall down the hill..."

I rub the back of my neck embarrassedly. "W-who are you anyways? Not to be rude or anything..." I'd look down blushing a tiny bit.

Shinso's Pov

"O-oh my name is Hitoshi Shinso and you are...?" I'd try to talk without being blunt because it was unusual for other's to talk to me because of my quirk they usually tease me, bully me or run away from me on how they were scared of my this was new to me.

(Y/n)'s Pov

I'd rub my arm lightly. "I-I'm (Y/n) but call me (N/n) for short..." I'd look down a bit. "Sorry for rambling..." I'd blush embarrassedly but then I'd hear yelling of other kids coming down the hill.

Shinso's Pov

"N-no it's okay..." Once I heard the kids yelling..I knew the bullies I was running from found me, So I stand in front of (N/n) to hide her from them.

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