New Friendship

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I feel like i have just completed a marathon as I drag my arms from the people restricting me.
I give an assuring smile to indicate I am OK, they do not need to put me in a straight jacket.

Strolling towards my life saving friends, I still can't believe I have actually dated a narcissist and I was too blind to notice.
A little part of me understands what he said , in deed women in my society were deprived of some privileges years ago. Women are now given some level of respect when it comes to education and some important roles in the community.
These times are not the times women were not allowed to engage in probing debates against the male counterparts. Some women are given the opportunity to be members of parliament and the rest.
Nonetheless, the level of a woman's respect is automatically raised to the brim when she marries, it doesn't matter her level of education or the kind of position she occupies in the society if she isn't married she is not really accepted. Hypocritically they don't speak about it or shame a woman publicly because she is a mother figure but they have not fully accepted us as their equals.
I was not expecting someone like Addai to say something like that. He is a human after all but he is learned and is open-minded to current issues.
Hmm! I guess it's true when they say some people are polished on dirt.
Dragging the chair between Monica and Mabel, I sit uncomfortable while assessing my arms. I think I have a few bruises from their grip.
Monica smiles lightly at me and asks if I am OK and I can't help but give a sarcastic reply.
" thanks for saving my life friends" point accusing fingers at them.
" how many hands did you have on you, super girl? Mabel replies as usual. I just rolled my eyes and ushered the waiter to come and take my order.
" we thought you had enough help and we couldn't have filmed this whole thing you know" she drawers closer to me as plays a video on her phone.
" A Mabel movie production presents, The flying Chickhen " a hard laugher escapes my mouth as she says those words, you can see from the faces of the people around that they are perplexed. I see Miss Heavenly walking out of the restaurant trying to stop her self from our infectious laughter.
"hey sister" I signal her to come over, she hesitates a bit but starts walking towards us.
Patting the empty chair next to her lightly, Monica signals she can sit next to her on her left. Miss "Heavenly" sits uncomfortably beside her.
There is an awkward silence that is lasting forever and I am even surprised because if you have someone like Mabel in your circle there is no silence, I wonder if the cat's got her tongue ?

" I love how you handled that mushroom out there, you are tough and I like you for that"
Speak of the devil, I laugh silently as she breaks the ice. Miss "heavenly" giggles uncomfortably and replied with a polite thank you.
Honestly I should stop referring to her as Miss Heavenly in my head. In order to do that I need to ask her name right?
" I am sorry I poured the drink in your hair, I wasnt really thinking
I am really sorry for that". I am not really the type to attack my fellow woman because of a cheating boyfriend. He cheated with her, it's true, but here is the case she didn't know I existed.
Besides if he was a good man he wouldn't cheat on a good woman or the woman he is committed to, unless the woman is a friend or someone who knows we are together.
Its like I reminded her of her wet hair, she subconsciously touches her hair and shakes her head as a sign of her forgiveness.
" I am Tina and these are my bestfriends, Monica on my left and Mabel on my right". They give a kind smile.
Clearing her throat, she points to herself and mentions her name.
" I am Chiamanda, but you can call me Amanda or Mandy "
" You must a Nigerian to be answering that name, am I correct?" Monica asks before any of us could think of it.
" that's right, I am half Nigeria, half Ghanaian" she clarifies.
"that's interesting " Monica replies. I wonder why she is suddenly interested in Mandy. I know she has a thing for foreigners but I didn't think ladies were part,unless... I will get back to it.
" I totally understand what you did Tina, I would have done worse if I were in ur shoe" she gestured for the waiter to come over.
" Really? " I ask in surprise
" yea, actually I would have killed you, kill the bastard and give myself up to the police" she blurts it out as if she does that for a living. And I do not understand why Mabel is laughing like she is nuts.
" I love this girl already, she can be my soul mate you know? " Now I get why is was laughing, this reminds me of the first time we met.
She nearly killed someone because she was flirting with Boateng at the club. Their relationship had just started and Boateng was not really into it but May's actions got him to think straight. We had a double date and it was Assault and I, then Mabel and Boateng. Boateng is Addai's bestfriend, and that date was to introduce the girlfriends.
The waiter comes by this time to take our order
"took your time" rolling my eyes at him I tell him what I want.
"please I want a bottle of Origin Zero. I don't know what they will have" he asks them and they orders. Accross the street I see and old lady nearly knocked down by a speeding car. Abruptly, I head towards the door but I noticed a group of men rushing towards the old lady's direction and I can't help but feel a sudden need to call my grandma. It's been a while since I left her at home. I pick up my phone and dial her number but no answer. I didn't even notice when the ladies followed me. I call again and this time she answered the call. My heart beating getting back to normal when I hear she is OK. The ladies and I go back to our seats to continue our chat. We chat some more, getting to know a new person who is just like one of us is very exciting and awkward if you ask me.
There is what seems a eternity of quietness as the laughter and chatting ceases.
"well, misses and mistresses, what do you say to a girls night out to get some poisons out of our system? As usual the icebreaker has done her job. She gathers her purse and phone from the table indicating it's time to go.
"I am in " Monica agrees and gets up as well.
" I know a very nice night club downtown, my brother owns it and we can go there. Thus if u ladies won't mind me joining?"

"not at all if there will he free drinks" we giggle and head towards the door.
"what's the name of your brother's club?" I ask wishing it's that new club we are dying to enter.
"XnY club " is the newest and I heard it belongs to a Nigerian business man.
"XnY club" she says it easily as if she isn't aware how important that club is.
" I am soo in, I was not planning to go with you ladies but that club? I'd kiss 500 men to enter.
"really? " she laughs as if she doesn't know it's the Ish downtown
" Anyi would be proud to hear you say that"
" he should be, he has done something special on this part of our land" I know most of the people in this community do not like Nigerians but who doesn't like a good club?
Mandy unlocks her Audi and slides into it. She hands over a black card with "XnY" boldly written on it.
"see you ladies at 8" she says with a wink and drives off leaving us drooling over the black Audi she just left in.

Hey beautiful people I am sorry it too me too long to update. Honestly I got stuck trying to develop this chapter. Pheww! It was easy at all but I came up with something . I know there is something you are really wishing for, cross ur fingers cos u might get.
Please comment and let me know your thoughts.
Thanks for reading

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