Chapter One - Untouchable

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Harmony stood in the kitchen of the medium-sized house. She hummed to herself as she began getting out ingredients for an energon oil cake. In her helm, she was working on lyrics to a song idea she'd had earlier that orn.

Currently, her sparkmate, Wingracer, was on the way home from Iacon. He had had a race last offcycle and then had spent most of the orn in Iacon with their oldest youngling.

The next orn was a holiday, so Blurr was coming home for it, Wingracer bringing him.

It would be nice to have everyone home, even if it was for just one orn.

Harmony sighed. They were so busy, and the younglings weren't even that old yet.

Blurr now attended secondary school in Iacon, only coming home every so often. Wingracer had races and training in a few different city states, so he also was often away. When her sparkmate was home for the off season, Harmony herself was busy performing shows across the planet. Steeldust was just as busy, even though he hardly left the city sector. When everyone else was occupied, he'd go find a friend or two to hang out with. His orns were usually spent at a small abandoned racetrack not far from home.

Speaking of Steeldust...

"Hmm, where did that little turbofox get off ta now," Harmony murmured, pausing as she listened. Her doorwings twitched as she tilted her helm.

The house was quiet. Either Steeldust was getting into mischief or he had vacated.


No answer.

"He must've gone outside." Harmony walked briskly down the hall to the back door. Stepping outside, she quickly scanned the yard. "Steeldust!"

A dirt covered helm poked up from a hole in the ground by the back fence. "Yes, Carrier?"

Hands on her hips, Harmony looked over at her youngest. "What are ya doin', younglin'?"

Crawling out, Steeldust shook himself off. "I was diggin' a hole."

"I can see dat," remarked the femme, raising an optic ridge. "What for?"

The six-vorn-old skipped across the yard and looked up at his carrier. "I was trying to dig to the second level of Cybertron."

Harmony laughed lightly. "Steel, ya can't do that. Not from here anyways." Looking him up and down once, she beckoned with a hand. "Come on inside. We'll get ya cleaned up an' then ya can help me."


The red and white femme made her way to the washrack, Steeldust following. After wiping off all the metal dirt and bits of gravel, the two went to the kitchen.

"Alright," Harmony said, lifting her youngling up onto his chair. "Now ya sit here an' tell me what Ah'm s'posed ta be puttin' in this here cake. An' this way, Ah can keep an optic on ya."

Steeldust carefully picked up the datapad off of the counter. "First you need a bowl, Carrier."

"Right," smiled Harmony, digging in the cupboard for the item. "What else?"

"Music to listen to."

"Ya know what? We do need music for this don't we?"

Harmony stepped quickly over to the radio and flipped the switch.

The two chatted while they worked, sometimes singing or humming along to the radio.

Not too long afterwards, the familiar engine of a race car could be heard coming down the street.

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