Chapter Four - Kaon

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"So, why are we goin' ta, Kaon, Lyric?"

Lyric glanced up at the mech, then shook her helm. "Ya know, Ah'm not totally sure myself, Anchor. Ah need some answers, ones dat Ah hope dat gladiator can answer."

The construction worker stopped short. He furrowed his optic ridges as he tried to figure out what his friend meant.

"Lyric! Wait up!" he called as he ran to catch up.

Running in front of the small femme, Anchor held up a hand. "Whoa, hold up dere, femme. What's dis all bout? Ya can't just go runnin' 'cross da planet ta see some gladiator dat spews pretty words outta his mouth."

Lyric halted, placing her hands on her hips. Doorwings twitched as she stared up at her friend.

"Anchor, Ah need ta talk ta him. Ma contact said dat Harmony's murder was possibly linked ta both da Council and Megatronus." The white and red femme scowled, looking to the side as she crossed her servos. "Startin' wit' da Council."

The mech sighed, his shoulders sagging deeply. "Lyric- Look, Ah know yer hurtin', but ya can't do dat- "

"And why not?" Lyric shot back. "Ah need ta, Anchor. An' if ya don't want ta come, den fine. I'll go by myself."

Anchor stood still, studying her. She stared back, her doorwings betraying her true emotions.

Finally, the mech sighed, giving in. "Okay. Ah'll come wit' ya. Just please promise me not ta do anything rash?"

"Ah won't."


The pair carried on, heading towards the nearest transport station.

"Makes ya wish dat da groundbridges were still operational, huh?" said Anchor with a wide grin. "It sure would be lots quicker."

Lyric chuckled lightly, her fearful and sad mood brightened. "It would be."

Another thought came to Anchor. He frowned, glancing down at the femme.

"Hey, Lyric. What'd yer sparkmate think o' ya goin'? Ah'm surprised he didn't insist on comin'."

Glancing away, Lyric hesitantly answered. "Well- He doesn't know. Ah gave him da update on the case, but didn't tell him we were goin'."

"Lyric-" Anchor said with a deep sigh.

"Ah know! Ah know!" the femme replied, throwing her servos up. She turned to face her friend. "Ah shoulda at least told him Ah was goin'. But someone had ta look after da sparkling an' Ah don't want him ta worry."

"He's goin' ta worry. Ya got ta tell him something, Lyric."

"Ah'll tell him, just not yet."

"Fine. But ya better not drag me inta it. Ah don't want ta face his anger when he finds out Ah let ya do dis."

"Don't worry, Anchor! He's a reasonable mech, and he'll understand why Ah have ta go."


"Lyric? Are ya sure ya want ta stay and watch?"

The femme could barely hear Anchor over the crowd around them even though he was yelling.

She just stared down in horror at the fight going on in the pits below.

"Lyric?" Anchor said again, placing a hand on her shoulderplate. "We should go!"

Shaking her helm, Lyric firmed her expression. "No. Ah want ta see him talk."

"If he wins this fight," she thought, optics widening as one of the mechs took a hard hit.

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