Jailor Chapter 1 - day 1 and night 1

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Hey guys so any bold writing like you see now isn't part of the story so skip past all this if you want, though I suggest, especially if you're not familiar with the game, you do read it as it will give some idea as to what goes on in the game and why I've done what I have. 😊

Town investigative
Town investigative
Town protective
Town killing
Town support
Random town
Random town
Random town
Random mafia
Random mafia
Neutral evil
Neutral killing
I put this list here so you guys understand the basic construction of a typical game as this is the structure I will be following for the story too.

Um, so for this story I'll be using mostly the first person to tell the Jailor's story, but I probably won't use the first person for all of the roles stories as I want to experiment with different things.

Also one or two of my characters will speak in a strong accent so if you don't get what they're saying I'll translate for you in the comments if you tell me what you don't understand.

So in this tale, we will be following the Jailor. The Jailor is a role of high priority to both town and mafia, so they often ask for TP/LO during the daytime. The Jailor will also be given the chance to jail a person during the day and anonymously talk to their target to get information. If the Jailor believes a person is suspicious they will be given the opportunity to execute them after night 1, but if the executed role is a Townie the Jailor is no longer able to execute only jail. Only 3 executions per game.

1st person POV (Jailor)
Discussion Phase

It was a nice day in the town, shame it's this town, in this town you never know who your friends are, never know who to trust - for all you know your best mate and next-door neighbour was secretly the mafioso: killing people at night and you're none the wiser. That's why I'm here, Giles Corey the jailor; I'm here to find the evils and bring them to justice by secretly detaining a person at night.

"Well, this day is coming to an end!" Mary Easty and Deodat Lawson exclaimed so the whole town could hear them, "finish your discussions and get to your homes!"

"Whatever, oo med yau tha boss?" Scoffs Johnathan Corwin, putting out his cigarette and tossing it to the ground rather violently, "Ar bet ya ten quid Deo's mafia!"

"Alright, that's enough!" I roar my voice booming throughout the cursed town, everyone breaks into a cold sweat as I take control over the situation, even the previously smug Johnathan was quaking, "that's much better, thank you. Town Protective and Lookout on me got it?"

Night Phase

And with that, the once bright, blue sky turned orange-red as the sunset over the horizon, the howls of wolves and hooting of owls beckoning us back to our houses. All but me I needed to haul my target off to jail before he goes inside. Tonight I think I'm going to jail Corwin, he was too toxic today, more so than usual. So I put a mask over my face and a baseball cap on my head - I don't want to be recognized by someone now do I? I mean my tussled dirt, brown hair is quite hard to mistake.

I walk quietly along the mossy stone pathways through the dark alleys of the town heading towards my targets house, it's a rather aesthetically pleasing Victorian-style cottage, though it does have some more modern features like a slate roof and proper drainage systems. He also has a rather well-made doghouse, made by Sarah Wildes if I remember correctly, she is an amazing carpenter everyone would turn to her if their stuff broke. And his doghouse always has new bite marks every time I come here, his pet kitsune is always chewing on something.

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