Welcome to Australia

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layla POV

The last day of summer is always hard. Especially when you are moving from America to Australia. Not only am I starting a new school but I'm moving to a completely different country. My family, which consists of just me and my mother Elizabeth, just arrived at our new home in Australia 2 weeks ago and so far the only friend I have made is with the television. The house is smaller than the one back home, but then again its just me and my mother this time around.its a simple white, two bedroom, ranch house with a red door and big windows. I, of course, being the angsty anti-social teen that I am choose to have a room in the basement rather than the second bedroom upstairs, leaving that one to be a guest room.

Coming into senior year starting a new school is absolutely nerve wrecking. I'm not one to make friends easy, seeing as people tend not to like me. At my old school, back in the states, I had one friend named Kylie. She was much braver than me and she constantly had the boys falling at her feet. She is confident in who she is and I have always been sort of jealous of that.

Currently Im curled up on my new bed with my black cat, terry. His green innocent eyes look up at me as a scratch behind his ears and he purrs loudly. What a simple life he must lead. I wish I could trade places with terry right now so I wouldn't have to face the horrors of the first day of school tomorrow.

"Layla get your ass down here and start dinner!" oh yeah did i mention that my mother is a meanie. Ever since my father left 2 years ago all she does is yell at me and it really hurts me to see her so wrecked like this but I wish she wasn't so mean all the time. I pull myself out of my bed and give terry a kiss telling him I'd be back soon. I walk up the stairs and go to start dinner. I pass by the living room where my mother is gulping down, no doubt, her third glass of rum today. she gives me a small nod as a go into the kitchen and start to cook.

After my mother and I eat in silence I go off and do the dishes and return to the comfort of my comfy bed. Terry is still curled up but is fast asleep on my pillow. I giggle at his cuteness and crawl into bed beside him. A pit of nerves begins to form in my stomach when I begin to think about school tomorrow. Thinking about meeting all of these new people makes me anxious but I try to distract myself with happy thoughts about tomorrow. Like maybe I will make new friends tomorrow? Maybe im simply overthinking the fact that everyone could hate me and ill be murdered by the cruelness of bullies and popular girls.

With all of these thoughts racing through my brain my eyes begin to get heavy and I slowly drift off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I jolt out of bed suddenly to the sound of my harsh alarm clock waking me from my peaceful slumber. The sun is just peaking through the window letting some 7:30 AM light through. Terry paws at my shoulder his eyes hopeful for his breakfast. I force myself out of comfort and pour some of his kitty nibble into his bowl. He greedily eats his food and I shake my head and giggle at him.

After going to the bathroom and brushing my brown hair attempting to detangle it i brush my teeth and make my way over to my closet trying to decide what would be most appropriate for my fist day at a new school.

After many minuets i decide on a white shirt and a lavender pleated skirt that rests at my mid thigh. I leave my hair down and throw on some blush and mascara to make an impression on the first day. I check my reflection in the mirror before grabbing light pink back pack and making my way up the stairs. My mother is passed out snuggling a bottle of rum on the couch. I go over to her and drape a fuzzy blanket over her body and she shifts in her sleep a bit. I look down at her sadly before walking out the door and gently closing it behind me, making sure i don't wake up my hung over mother.

I begin my walk to school. Its only a few blocks away from the neighborhood I live in so it should only take me about 10 minuets to walk there. The more I walk and the closer I get to school, the more nervous I feel. Those thoughts from last night were creeping up again and I don't know how much more agony my poor tummy can take from all the nerves.

Before i know it im on the sidewalk in front of the school. It seems like a nice building? Its very tall and big with brick walls and looks like a typical public school. Maybe its not that scary? I push myself to go inside the doors and stumble into the main office. The receptionist smiles at me, "what's your name sweetie?" she says with a wide smile on her cheery face.

I pick at my skirt nervously, " Layla Canterbury year 12." I state giving her a weary smile back. She types fast on the keys of her key board and prints a schedule and a school map.

"you are all set! have a good first day! I love your accent, is it american?" I give her a small nod and smile and mutter a thank you for the good will blessing on my first day because im going to need it. I walk out of the office and make my way to my locker to but my back pack away. I reach my locker and get nervous again when i see it has a lock attached to it. I have never been good with locker locks. Next to my locker is a girl with bright blue hair typing fast on her iphone. Here goes nothing....

"H-Hi....I-im new here and iwaswonderingifyoucouldhelpme?" my words slur together in a tangled mess. The girl looks up at me with bright blue eyes to match her hair. she gives me a smile and looks me up and down briefly.

"I Love your accent oh my god! are you from america? are you new here?" I nod my head at both of her questions and give her a smile, "Im taylor but you can call me tay. and of course i can help you with your locker, let me see your paper." i hand her my papers with my name and locker combination." okay ...layla?" she looks up again and I smile trying to be friendly. she opens up my locker and explains my combination to me. "what is your first class?" she asks

I look down at my schedule, "I have English with mrs. fuckerton?" I look at her questioningly. what an odd name.

"ah, yes, the biggest bitch around here. She's the absolute worst teacher to exist. But don't worry I have her first period too!..... Layla?" I look to her as she says my name.

"yes?" I ask nervously.

"you are very timid......I like you. let's be friends." she says with an assertive nod and a smile. I smile back and nod to agree considering I have zero friends and tay seems like a strong headed girl. she links arms with me pulling me into the direction of our class.

———————————————————————————it was currently lunch and today is going better than expected. Tay is the strangest and best person I think I've ever met! We are making our way to a table outside since it is only the end of August and it is still warm. "Now, my friends may seem a little....intimidating at first but i swear once you know them they are just a bunch of teddy bears!!" Tay's statement made me a bit weary but hey....who doesn't love teddy bears right?

Tay runs over to a tall boy with dark hair and wraps her arms around him. She kisses him deeply and i look away sheepishly. "This is my boyfriend calum!" He looks up from staring at tay and gives me a grin. "This is Michael" she gestured to a boy with a funny bright red hair color and he gives me a wave. "This is Ashton!" A cute boy with light brown hair sends me a wink and i look down at my shoes. " and lastly... calum? Where's Luke?" Tay questions while looking Around.
"Um he's in the detention room..." Ashton says with a smirk prominent on his face.
"Damn it's only the first day too, what did he do this time?" Calum gives her a stern look of warning. I'm not exactly sure why he is scolding her. She mutters an apology.
"He apparently fought Tyler in the parking lot this morning because of some mishap with his car." Calum replies.
Whoever this Luke kid is doesn't seem like a very good guy. I'll make note to try and stay away from him. I sit down next to Tay and begin to eat my salad with my new friends. Yeah. Today wasn't so bad after all

HI! omg this is my first book and im very nervous about it because its probably shitty but like hi im olivia and wow okay cool god i hate myself peace out. Also i swear the plot will get better this is only chapter 1 lol

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