Ice cream and hobbies

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The last bell of the day rings loud dismissing all of the students from class. The students chat with their friends and I walk alongside tay to our lockers. "So would you say your first day was successful?" She turns to me with a smile.

"Absolutely!" I day grinning at my new friend. She nods her head and opens her locker.
"So the boys and i are heading to the ice cream shop to celebrate surviving the first day....what do ya say? Wanna come with?" I look at her unsure at first because to be honest the boys are very intimidating and scary with all of their tattoos and piercings.....but i can't afford to pass up new friends right?
"Sure! Let's go" she smiles and we walk to her red convertible. We hop in the car and drive to the ice cream shop. Upon our arrival at the shop we see the boys already there saving us seats. The shop is cute, decorated in pastels like an old diner. It's sort of silly seeing the scary boys in the soft shop. I giggle to myself about it and tay looks over at me questingly for a moment.

We walk into the shop and are greeted by everyone with a smile. The waiter comes over to the table and i already know what I want. After everyone orders it's my turn and I chose the strawberry ice cream because Duh!! Iss amazing!!!

"So Layla how's your first day at an Australian school?" Michael asks me while drinking his root beer float.
"It was good," i say smiling at him. He smiles back at me eyeing me up and down a bit and i blush.
Suddenly the bell rings on the shop door signaling that another costumer is coming in. I don't pay much attention to whomever opened the door until all the heads turn in the room to see.
"Ah and here he detention on the first day of school." Ashton says with a smirk looking up. I turn around to see what the commotion was about and my eyes meet with a handsome boy. No. He looked more like a man. His hair was perfectly messed up to the sides of his head and his jaw could cut like a knife. And his eyes. Oh god those eyes. Piercing through his skull. And then it was over for me. Because he smiled. His smile was the kind of smile that could make your heart jump right out of your chest or make your head spin a million miles a minute.
"Oh come on Mates it was bound to happen!" He says his accent thick. Then he stops to look at me and our eyes meet. His eyebrows draw together at the sight of me. I almost forgot i was a stranger to him because just by looking at him i already felt like i knew him.
"Luke this is Layla Canterbury from the states, Layla this is Luke Hemmings." Tay introduces us to one another. He takes a long stride over to me and looks me up and down a smirk prominent on his lips. He takes my hand that is resting on the table and brings it too his lips gently.
"Pleasure to meet you princess." Luke says putting my hand back down on the table and he slides into the chair next to me. He looks me up and down again and subtly bites his pink bottom lip.  I look down at my shoes a tinge of pink playing on my cheeks from his sweet gestures. No one has ever treated me like this before.

"You too Luke" i reply back weakly. He looks down at the bowl of ice cream in front of me and smirks again.
"Strawberry? Great choice." Luke says bringing his eyes from the bowl back to me.
"I-its my favorite." I reply back nervously. At this point calum and tay are lost in conversation and so Are Michael and Ashton so they don't notice the encounter between me and Luke. "Are you gonna have ice cream?" I ask Luke trying to carry a conversation.

"Oh no baby, I already got enough sweetness for one day." I blush at the pet name and I nod my head at his reply understandingly.

"I understand, if i eat too much sweets sometimes it gives me a stomach ache." I tell him trying to be relatable.  He chuckles and shakes his head at me but I don't understand why he does this because i haven't said anything silly have I?

"Hey Layla? I don't think i can give you a ride home I'm so sorry i totally forgot I have piano today!" Taylor suddenly gets my attention away from Luke and I's conversation.
"It's okay tay I'll walk it's only a few blocks!" I assure her and she looks at me with sad eyes.
"No need I'll drive you home." Luke states looking at me with intensity. I shift with uncertainty because I've barely just met Luke 20 minutes ago. "Come on love." He gets up from his chair holding his hand out. Am i supposed to take it?
"No it's really okay i like walking....." he shakes his head at me
"You really think you should be walking home by yourself an innocent one like you?" I guess i could see his point..... i mean i am brand new to the neighborhood and I'd probably get lost.  I hesitantly grab his hand and he gives me a re assuring smile. We say our goodbyes to everyone and head out the door. He leads me through the parking lot and we stop at a sleek black Range Rover. He opens the door
And notices my shortness and helps me into the car.

"Home address sweetheart?" He looks over at me after getting into the driver's seat.
"*insert address**" he types it into the gps and we make our way to my house. I mess with the hem of my skirt awkwardly not knowing how to carry out proper conversation with the handsome man beside me.
His eyes shift from the road to me " tell me Layla, what is it you like to do?" He asks seeming genuinely interested in my hobbies.
"Well....i..uh like to read and i paint a little...." i answer as honest as i could. I don't really do much besides read and paint.
"Painting? That's neat maybe you could show me sometime?" His eyes still shifting from the road back to me. I blush at his words and I'm unsure of why. Maybe because I didn't think he'd want anything to do with me after this.

"Maybe....." i reply back to him. " Luke? What do you like to do?" I ask him politely.
He smiles at my question "well if your so interested, the boys and i are actually in a band and we play in clubs on Fridays." I smile up at him.
"That's so cool! Maybe.... i don't know you could show me that sometime too?" I ask him timidly repeating what he replied earlier.

"Oh baby i can show you lots of things."

Mkay so there is chapter two lol sorry i suck okay lol peace out.

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