Jack The Pumpkin King!~

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     The brisk fall wind, gently blew the papers off of Noel's desk where he was napping, the chill waking him up from his dream "No Ed not right now....huh..." he blinked softly as he looked out the window at the vibrant colors of the season, smiling he got up and closed the window looking across the river at Colton's house where the horse was planting pumpkin seeds gleefully and singing to himself. Noel shakes his head frowning "he planted them a little to late, but i mean..." he frowns contemplating if he would go to tell Colton however he then remembered that Colton had put a pit fall in front of his door a few weeks ago. Grumbling he turns and goes put on a jacket "he will figure it out himself." heading to the door to leave he stopped when he heard three knocks, turning he glanced at the clock on the wall "its like 6 pm... did i invite Ed over?" opening the door, Noel squeaked in fear and jumped back in fright. Standing before him was a strange entity with a pumpkin mask and behind him what appeared to be a mummy dog with glowing yellow eyes. Noel quickly shrunk behind the door and peaked around it "i-i only moved in a month and few weeks ago... so i mean, i don't have much you can steal. O-or if your here for my soul, don't bother its tiny and listless, absolutely na-nasty!" the two outside looked at each other in notable confusion, when the pumpkin headed entity spoke it did nothing to calm Noel's fear because he spoke with a deep and rather scary voice "no you foolish mortal! Do you not know who i am?! why i am Jack! The great Jack of Halloween! Bringer of spooks and ghouls! Lover of all things tricky or candy! Bahahaha!" Noel frowned looking at the pumpkin entity before coming back to the door "ooookay... nice to meet you jack... and who is that" Noel uses his chin to single out the mummy dog. Jack frowns "who is who?" he looks back at the dog and jumps a bit startled "oh, i just forgot you were here. This is a spook i found waiting whilst i was waiting for you to come to your door" the dog wiggle uncomfortably glancing between the two "i-i wasn't waiting here that long jack, gees. I-im not really that spooky... right? my names Lucky, i just moved in today, i dropped by to introduce myself. Am i really that scary?" Noel frowns looking at lucky up and down, aside from the mummy get up and glowing eyes he just seemed like a calm if not slightly uncomfortable dude, in fact kinda cool looking if he thought about it. "No i suppose not, my bad. The only one here who is spooky is Jack" this made the Pumpkin King beam with pride. "Without a doubt! now to what i wanted to speak to you about my minions!" Noel and lucky tilt their heads in unison "minions?" Jack nods affirmatively "yes minions! you all will be my collectors! my spooks! my boogieman and dog! I want you to go around the village and find out what everyone is scared of, once you do that youl find me and tell me all the spooky things they say and ill provide you with the masks to do the scaring on Halloween!" Lucky frowns and tries to sneak off but jack grabs him by the collar of his shirt "where ya going im not done yet spook!" Noel arches an eyebrow a hand on his hip "i think his name is lucky. So why are we going to terrorize the village?" Jack looks back at Noel excitedly as he holds onto lucky who is kicking and flailing trying to get away. "Why for candy of course!" Noel nods slowly "i see....right candy." he goes to shut the door when Jack makes it Vanish much to Noel's shock "what did you do to my door!? i can't pay for a new one yet!" he panics waving his hand where the door was but Jack gets right up in his face dragging Lucky with him, who at this point has given up running away and is reading a comic. Jack presses his pumpkin face against Noel's face "No time for doors minion its candy time! If you can find candy ill give you great rewards! For instance i noticed your tiny little house is empty with only a bed,a desk and a lamp! Ill give you furniture, for free! All i want is candy kid!" Noel scoots back a backdrop sliding down his face "i do need furniture... I guess it won't hurt. Whats the wo-" Jack spins knocking Noel over "that is the Halloween Spirit! now go my minions go and find out everyone's fears mwahahahaha!" He vanishes making Lucky drop to the ground with a thud and the door appearing in Noel's face, both moan in pain and mumble to themselves.

 "Why are you asking such a suspicious question? Im not going to tell you what im scared of Noel, that would be like me putting black ink in my amazing main!" Colton huffs as he finishes covering a pumpkin seed. Noel sighs slightly annoyed "yes you a super attractive horse we get it but its not weird to ask, maybe i wanna get costume ideas you know?" Colton frowns looking back at him "why so you can scare me on Halloween? No thanks i need to make sure i don't get silver hairs from stress." Noel arches an eyebrow looking Colton up and down "but.. your white...." Colton huffs "and id like to stay that way thank you! Now run off, if you wanna know someones fears Ankah is scared of snakes, or so im told." Noel nods taking a mental note. Maybe someone in the village will know what Colton is scared of, ill have to ask around. "Alright fine, well good luck with those pumpkins co-" as he was heading away Lucky walked up with some doughnuts and Colton freezes, "is that... a mummy?!" He lets out a rather undignified squeal and runs inside. Noel looks from the house to where lucky stood confused and innocent. "noted, Colton is scared of mummies. good job lucky!" he pats lucky's head as the walk across the bridge, Lucky's tail wags "not sure what i did but i like the praise!" Soon they where outside Ankah's house. Noel shivers glancing at its sandstone exterior. "This place always makes me feel either really poor or really spooked." Lucky tilts his head glancing at the house "is it because shes the Queen of Denial or because she has the eyes that see through your soul?" Noel frowns "its Queen of the.. yeah both lets see if she is home." they walk up and knock on the door. Waiting a bit longer they knock again, however there wasn't a single response "i guess shes not home" they turn and look at each other, Lucky nods "we can always take a break, breaks are good for your health you know." Noel frowns "We haven't even walked that far Lucky." Lucky nods "that is true but i skipped my mid day nap and i have bags under my eyes! Ill look like i haven't eaten any doughnuts!" Noel made a face squinting and looking at Lucky who's eyes where masked with darkness and bandages only being able to see his glowing yellow eyes"Lucky you can't even see-" a voice interrupted their conversation "What are you peasants talking in front of my house about?" Noel and lucky turn to see soul searing eyes staring at them and they both scream and hold each other. Ankah laughs no longer making a scary face "im gonna get so much candy this Halloween! So what are you two wanting?" Lucky and Noel look at one another and laugh there faces tinging pink before they let go of each other. Lucky wiggles excitedly "well Miss Ankah we were wondering if you know what anyone in the village is scared of." Ankah makes a sly face nodding with a evil smirk. "Oh boy do i! i make sure i know everyone's fears, this is my fav Holiday after all Peasants." Noel beams excitedly, maybe he could get this over with soon "that is great tell me!" Ankah laughs and shakes her head "oh i can't possibly tell you everyone's fear, However ill let you in on a secret. Ed is scared of Ghosts, he simply can't stand them and Daina is scared of Werewolves, shes screams and runs off at the sight of them throwing candy at them! But that is all im telling you, now scram i got things to plan, tricks to master! and don't even think about scaring Stiches, hes the baby of the village!" Noel nods "thanks Ankah, see you around." He shakes his head as they walk into the forest "i don't think i can scare Ed, it would bother me to much. Plus shes right Stiches is to precious to scare." Lucky was licking an ice cream that he pulled out of nowhere drawing a confused look from Noel. Lucky frowns at the remark Noel made about Ed, "Why do you love him?" Noel stumbled and face plants into leaves, Lucky turns and looks around "huh? Noel where are you? oh." Lucky pokes Noel with a stick "when did you get into that leave pile? Come on we are almost done then we can nap together by the river!"

Noel stands with Lucky looking down at Punchy who was napping next to what appeared to be a seagull who got washed ashore, they had wondered all over the place trying to find him and wound up looking over the cliff down to the beach when they spotted him. Noel frowns as Lucky squirms "im not sure what the number is for 911 Noel, how do you report a crime?" Noel looks at lucky "they arnt dead, and the number for 911 is 911 Lucky. come on lets wake him up. Now to wake him up Lucky you got to be delicate, observe." Carefully without waking up the Seagull Noel gently grabs Punchy and then violently shakes Him like a mad woman and screaming at the tops of his lungs. "OH MY GOD PUNCHY ITS HORRIBLE, THE STORE IS ALL OUT OF CHEESE! COLTON TOOK IT ALL!" Punchy jumps sky high screaming in panic then landing on his feet he runs around the beach in a panic "oh no man my cheese! i needed to get some but i forgot! All of the yummy cheese is gone the world is ending man! Its ending!" Noel frowns and puts out a hand grabbing Punchy by the color, he goes limp and looks up with a goofy smile "oh hay Noel my dude whats up?" Noel sighs and smiles "hiya Punchy, there is still cheese at the store so chill i just needed to wake you up." Punchy nods "cool my dude, cool. That is smart, so whats up?" Noel looks down at the seagull impressed it hadn't woken up at all. "Firstly who is that and why were you sleeping there?" Punchy looks down at the seagull "i dunno man, he looked so comfy here on the sand that i thought maybe it was just that great of a napping spot. Turns out it really is, the sand is soft, the sun is warm and the water cools of your feet! Its nice." Noel nods and looks back at Punchy "makes about as much sense as anything else my dude. Now then, ima just be blunt. Whatya scared of Punchy?" Punchy smiles "oh that is easy Low Carb Hamburgers." Noel frowns and Lucky stops poking the seagull with a stick and looks over "come again?" they say together. Punchy Nods "Low Carb Hamburgers my dude. Its evil man, truly." Noel drops Punchy and frowns as he stands up and dusts himself off, "you sure there isn't anything else? Like ghosts or goblins?" Punchy shakes his head "nope the only other thing im scared of is fakon, who wants fake bacon?" Lucky and Noel exchange a worried glance then look back at Punchy "well... um thanks You can go do whatever now." Punchy waves "far out!" he walks back to where he was laying and curls up for another nap. Noel shakes his head but smiles as he heads back to his house with Lucky. When they arrive Jack was waiting with a large black bag he bounced around excitedly "your back! Back! so tell me mortals, what did you find out! TELL ME!" he grabs Noel's shirt freaking out with thoughts of candy. Noel trembles freaked out with thoughts of being shoved into a black bag "here we wrote it all down you!" Jack tosses Noel into the bushes as he happily grabs the note and reads it "excellent!" Lucky rushed over and helped Noel back up from the bushes as Jack was yammering to himself, Lucky dusts leaves off of Noel when Jack spind around making them both jump and squee in fear. "This is perfect! great job minions! ill give you the mask for each of these, and come Halloween i will appear to you again and seek my candy! Great work mwahahaha!" and with that Jack threw a bunch of masks at Noel and Lucky before vanishing. The two stared at the spot he was at for a bit longer before sighing "oh thank goodness hes gone and this is over" Noel said with a sigh of relief, but then Lucky put a hand on his back. "Not yet it isnt. Hay Noel, what are you scared of?" Noel tenses and looks back at Lucky "eh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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