"You have a nice voice"

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    Music floated through the house along with your brothers screaming. He always screamed for whatever reason, while you on the other hand sat on your bed peacefully working on your dumb homework you were assigned until you heard a loud thump come from the window, you slowly get up off from your soft bed motioning towards the window. As soon as you opened the window you felt the wind breeze greet your face, it felt delightful. You then began to look around to see what the noise possibly was, you saw nothing. You slowly began to close the window until you saw a male, you took a moment to look at him fully. He had this huge hand on his face for whatever reason, you didn't mind it though, his beautiful baby blue hair flying around with the wind. "Hello?" You said softly, but no response "Who are y-" your words were cut off by the males...not so smooth voice. "Y'know, it's stupid...you, a girl like you just sitting there as some stranger sits outside your window" he went on with his rant, but these words floated out of your mouth interrupting the male "You have a nice voice.." you mumbled softly, but that didn't do the best. "Are you fucking making fun of me? You know I can end your life within seconds, as soon as all fingers t-" but you interrupted him once more "No, I just really like your voice..it's different from the others" you said calmly, ignoring the 'I can end your life within seconds' part. The male froze completely, his face turning a deep shade of red, before you knew it he was gone. You went back to your homework shortly after, leaving the window open incase the male decided to come back.

Tomura X (FEMALE) Reader Where stories live. Discover now