I want you to join the leauge

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(F/N) = friends name
(Y/N) =your name

     Days have gone by, it felt like months. You wanted that boy to return honestly, even though he was just some creep staring into your window. How long could've he been there?Did he see you change? But those questions didn't float into your head for some reason, your window was at least halfway open. But you were also on a call with your friend, (F/N). You two were just having a normal talk until you brought up that boy. "Huh? Some stranger was at your window, and you want him to return? Are you fucking insane (Y/N)?" (F/N) said, they didn't seem the happiest with you at all. She was always the brighter person, but you just hung up the phone. (F/N) started to explode your phone with messages to call them back, but you didn't listen. You muted your phone and just sat in silence until you heard that boys voice again, but he was with someone this time. "Yes Kurogiri goddamnit!" He sounded like he was full of rage, "this is the girl!" You heard nothing after that, but you quickly motioned to the window "Hello?" You said, peaking out the window to see the two. "Ah, (F/N) (L/N)!" You paused at that as your heart dropped, "You know my name?" You mumbled, until the male started "Yes I know your name goddamnit, did you not just hear me?" He sounded like more rage floated into him, why was he so mad? "Oh- yeah..right...ri-" you were cut off as you heard your door swing open, it was your parents. "Who the fuck is that?" They asked, they didn't seem the happiest "U-uh...I uhm..."  you failed to get words out of your mouth but before you knew it, you were in this...bar? You looked around, confused.. "You know what, I'm just gonna cut to the fucking case." The male said once again, you looked over to him before he started to bombard you with questions. You answered them all quickly though. Shortly after he added, "I want you to join the league,if you say no, things won't end the best for you, but if you say yes, well...you definitely won't regret it." He added, you froze as you heard those words, 'join the league?' You repeated those words in you head, before these words slipped out without you thinking "I'lljointheleauge!" You said quickly as the males eyes widened, he looked rather pleased. "Well then, kurogiri..show (Y/N) to her ro-" he was cut off by Kurogiri's words, "I'm afraid I cannot do that, Shigaraki." Kurogiri paused before adding on "we are out of space" Shigaraki furrowed his brows, "Are you fucking kidding me goddamnit, you couldn't have told me earlier? Now where will (Y/N) stay?" He countered,
But kurogiri quickly replied "She of course will have to stay with someone." Shigaraki didn't give you a choice, "She's staying with me, c'mon (Y/N) let me show you around."

(I know things are a bit rushed, but I think it's best to just skip to the part where you've joined the league.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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