𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟑// 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞

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Their captors bound their arms and legs in thick chains, until they could barely hop an inch. Desperate attempts to summon light were for naught.

"Have faith, Prince," General Yew told Will as they sat back-to-back in the sand. "King Apollo will have an army after us in no time."

Will said nothing, staring up at the starry sky. He sought for the constellations, naming every one he knew. A faint memory bloomed behind his eyes: him pointing out those constellations to Kayla, teaching her. A spare moment they managed to steal when neither were burdened with so many cares.

He didn't remember falling asleep, but jolted awake to being doused by icy water. He gasped, thrashing in his bonds, blinking in the bright sunlight. He was still back-to-back with Yew, who was snarling at the one who had thrown the water.

Holding the bucket was a woman with tanned skin and thick black hair tied back, dressed in the same black uniform as Nico and Octavian. She gave the two a cocky smile. "Up, you two Aureoles. We need to go."

This must be the Reyna girl they were talking about. Will did as he was told and staggered to his feet, as did Michael. Di Angelo and Octavian had already packed everything. Four horses were brought forward. The prisoners were hauled onto one horse that was chained to a second, which was mounted by Nico. Reyna and Octavian mounted the other two, and the five set off into the endless desert.


From studying map after map of the country, Will sensed that they were being taken to the Shade kingdom. They were heading east, where the Shade kingdom lied, after all. The swath of desert between the two Kingdoms had a name, but Will couldn't recall it. The heat invaded every inch of him, making it hard to breathe. Sand stung his face and eyes.

From behind Michael, Will peered ahead. The horses cantered along. Will desperately tried to come up with an escape plan, but his and General Yew's chains were so tightly bound to the saddle, they could hardly move. With a sigh of dejection, he turned to Michael; for the first time, he realized Michael's medals had been taken. His tunic and pants were filthy, and his boots were scuffed, but Will's robe and sandals were no better.

Will stared at the horizon, fear rising up in him. Why did they take them? What did they want?

General Yew extended his hands to Will, manacles clacking. "Pray with me, Prince?"

Will took Michael's hands and bowed his head, his prayers to the gods a jumble of words drowned by the wind.


For once, Will was thankful that the Aureole and Shade Kingdoms weren't far from each other.

After several hours of pushing the horses to their limits, the desert gave way to fields and herds of cattle. At last, a city materialized. Three more hours passed of weaving their way through the city before the Shade palace came into view.

It was black as pitch, looming over the houses and vendors, like a predator ready to devour. Will's heart thundered in his chest. His head was spinning from no food or water, and terror pushed him to the near point of hysteria. He leaned against Michael, fighting for breath.

The local Shades paid them no heed, going about their day. Will was covered in sand and dirt, rendering him unrecognizable. He wondered if he should scream and make a scene, but he knew his captors would only hush him. And he would find no allies in this kingdom.

The guards, recognizing Nico and Octavian and Reyna, opened the palace gates to let them through. They reached the entrance and dismounted the horses.

"King Abaddon wants to see you," was all Nico said as he undid Will's and Michael's bonds.

As Will was pulled from the saddle, he realized he had to accept his fate, as grim as it seemed. He let his captors lead him into the throne room.


Though filthy and dizzy and afraid, Will kept his chin high as he approached the dais.

There, lounging on the throne, was King Abaddon, ruler of the Shade Kingdom. He had golden hair and matching eyes that blazed with a viscous fire. His fine black clothes contrasted his pale skin and hugged his muscular frame. The throne next to him was empty-- his daughter, Princess Hazel, was nowhere to be seen.

Upon seeing the group, the king straightened, those eyes gleaming with interest. When they stopped at the foot of the dais, he spoke. "Prince Solace and General Yew. It's been a long time since I've seen your faces."

"What do you want?" Michael's voice was dangerously calm. Will tensed.

Abaddon laughed. "You'll learn soon enough." He turned to Reyna. "I appreciate your services, General. You and your comrades are dismissed."

General. The word was a blow. "General Ramirez-Arellano?" Will blurted, before he could restrain himself.

Reyna turned to him, and he shrunk under her gaze. "You need to learn to keep your mouth shut," she growled. Will was able to recognize her now, from the council meetings the Aureoles and Shades had together, though she was far from the regal, armor-clad woman he remembered.

A slow, lazy smile spread on King Abaddon's face. "You two will get along great." His tone sent alarm bells off in Will's head. Did the king mean...?

Abaddon flicked a pale hand dismissively. "Take them to the dungeons." He turned to Octavian. "You know what I need from them."

Will's stomach dropped. Nico grabbed him and dragged him away. The prince didn't struggle; he wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

As Will and Michael were led away by Nico and Reyna, Will's eyes took in every detail, hoping to build an escape route in his head. He counted the number of turns and flights of stairs the group took.

At last, they reached the dungeons. The gloom looked impenetrable, a solid black wall. The chill seeped into Will's bones. His heart raced.

The group separated there, each taking a prisoner down a separate hallway. Will stole a final glance of General Yew before he vanished into the dark. Nico led him to a separate cell, unlocking the door, which screeched against the concrete floor, making Will wince.

He didn't fight as he was shackled to the wall; he knew Nico would have snatched him before he reached the door. He strained to see in the dark, deciphering di Angelo as he slipped through the exit, locking the door behind him.

Will sat on the floor, staring off into the black. Every emotion he had shoved deep inside broke free of its chains, roaring to the surface. He put his face in his hands and allowed the tears to slip down his face.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒// 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now