𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟒// 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐬

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There was a ball to be thrown in honor of Michael's memory and Will's return, a week after the funeral. The decorations were hung, the gowns were bought, the food was made.

But the subject of the ball would have none of it. "Is all this jewelry really necessary?" Will complained as Kayla adjusted his robe. "It's a bit over-the-top."

"It's not every day that a prince is kidnapped and then returned to the kingdom," Austin pointed out. "Forgive us for being a bit 'over-the-top.'"

Will nodded in acknowledgement, but when Kayla tried to cover his scars with make-up, he stepped back. "Let them see my scars," he said. He gave his reflection a once-over: a turquoise toga that was a little too tight for his liking, his hair once again braided with gems and adorned with a crown. Gold armbands gleamed on his biceps, and a gold choker made it difficult to breathe.

King Apollo stepped into the room. "Are we ready?" Will nodded and followed his father into the ballroom, standing next to his throne.

An hour later, all the lords and ladies arrived. They toasted to the gods, to Michael's memory, to Will's return. They paired up for dances, and Will performed his obligation of dancing with the girls who wished to waltz with him. Will was stepping away from a dance partner when he saw him.

He was wearing a black chiton short enough to make Will's cheeks flush, his dark hair done in a single, unornamented braid. He was standing in a corner, watching the dancers twirl by.

Will approached him and gave his best smile. "I thought they'd put you on guard duty, di Angelo."

Nico raised a dark brow. "I'm surprised they even let me attend."

Will's smile widened. He extended his hand and said, "Would you like to dance? Being on your own is no fun."

Nico's expression became cautious. "Us dancing together won't bring any... unwanted attention?"

Will rolled his eyes. "If someone cares that much about it, it's their problem, not ours. Now come on." Nico smiled, then took Will's hand and let himself be twirled onto the floor.

Nico wasn't the best dancer, but Will had been with worse; at least the ex-assassin could move with grace. As they waltzed, the two made small talk. Will was painfully aware of the small space between their bodies, of Nico's gleaming eyes and faint smile. When the song ended, they applauded the orchestra. Before Will could seek out another partner, Nico was grasping him by the elbow and steering him toward a nearby balcony. "You look like you can use some fresh air," Nico explained.

Hidden amongst the shadows in the balcony, Nico frowned as he scanned the ballroom. "It feels strange, being back here."

Will snorted. "Tell me about it." He paused, then said, "Thank you for being there the night of Michael's funeral. It meant a lot to me" He laughed. "I can't believe you stood out in the rain with me."

"It was quite an experience," Nico agreed, smiling. He was silent for several moments, then said, "I never knew Michael, but I do know that he was fiercely loyal, and cared for you deeply. Never forget that."

Will smiled. "In return, thank you for helping me escape. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead."

Nico snorted. "Don't thank me, thank Reyna. She's the one who came up with helping you escape. I just followed her lead."

"Speaking of Reyna-- after Levesque's coronation, we might be able to pull some strings so the general can pay a quick visit."

Nico froze. "You're serious."

"It's not a guarantee, but I would love for it to go through."

To Will's complete shock, Nico threw his arms around him with a shout of delight. Before Will could respond, Nico's lips were pressed to his.

It was a whisper of a kiss, but fire roared through Will. But then Nico was stumbling back, as stunned as Will was, hand over his mouth. He tried to speak. "I.."

"Nico?" Will reached for him, but Nico whipped around and ran. "Nico, wait!" Will rushed after him, but had already lost him in the crowd. Cursing, Will found an exit and rushed down the hall, calling Nico's name. But he was gone.

Will stared into space, barely able to catch his breath. What the hell just happened? Gods, this was going to complicate things.

He went back to the ball and blended into the background, barely able to calm his racing mind. The second the ball was over, he rushed back to his chambers with shaking hands.


What had he been thinking?

He had kissed Will Solace without any kind of consent. He had forced himself on the prince.

He blamed it on the vodka, on his own insane impulsiveness. He was horrified that he had done something so utterly insane. There was no doubt Will would refuse to see him anymore, and King Apollo would have his head for it.

Nico stormed down the hall, avoiding making eye contact with those around him as he made his way to Prince Solace's room. He would apologize at once for his actions and hope for the best.

He knocked on the door. At the quiet "Come in," he opened it and slipped inside the outer chamber. He then knocked on the bedroom door and went in.

Will was sitting on his bed, staring out the window. He was still wearing the toga and jewelry from the ball. He turned to Nico, eyes widening upon seeing him. "Hello."

Nico took a deep breath. "Your Majesty, I have come to apologize for my actions at the ball."

Will stood, taking a step toward him. "Nico..."

"It was reckless and impulsive, and I am deeply sorry. I just hope this doesn't damage our friendship. I--"


Nico paused, staring at Will in confusion. "I... Your Majesty?"

To his complete shock, Will closed the distance between them, hands cupping Nico's face. Nico froze at the contact. Will ran his thumb along Nico's bottom lip, and chills skittered his spine, his heart thundering in his chest. It took every last bit of control not to shudder.

Will's ocean eyes stared at Nico's mouth, then flicked up to meet his dark gaze. "Are you attracted to me, Nico?"

Nico stared at him, stunned. "I.." He loosed a tight breath. "Yes."

Silence. Nico, feared ex-assassin of the mighty Shades, was trembling-- trembling as those blue eyes pierced him like a blade.

Then Will leaned in and whispered, "Then you have nothing to apologize for," and pressed his lips to Nico's.

Nico stood there, paralyzed, before slowly kissing back, wrapping his arms around Will's neck. They pulled away, staring at each other, breathing hard. Then Nico pulled Will in, and embers became a roaring fire. Their kiss became heated, desperate. Will's hands fisted in Nico's hair. Nico's hand traveled down to grip Will's waist, fingernails digging into skin.

They pulled away again, and Will gave a breathy chuckle. His face was flushed, but Nico's was no better.

Nico pulled away, taking a step back. "I'll..." Gods, he could barely speak. "I'll see you tomorrow?" he managed.

Will nodded, hands over his mouth. Nico smiled, then slipped out of the chambers and down the hall.


"You're awfully quiet," Kayla remarked as she unbraided Will's hair. "Did something happen?"

Will shook his head. Kayla raised an eyebrow, dropping a handful of jewels into a bowl. "Are you sure?"

"I'm just glad that everyone turned up for the ball," Will lied. He stared at the top of the mirror, refusing to meet Kayla's eyes in the reflection.

She gave a "Hmph" before helping him out of his toga and into his nightclothes. She murmured a quick goodbye as he slipped into bed, rushing out the door.

Will stared at the ceiling. He was walking a dangerous line, dating a former Shade. He was plummeting head first with no safety net. This risk could end badly.

But then he pressed his fingers to his lips, which still tingled from Nico's kisses, and decided that some risks were worth taking.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒// 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now