Chapter 3

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(The first two chapters were originally all I planned to write when this was just going to be a bonus chapter, but then I listened to Feed Me way too much and I came up with this idea)

Chapter 3 theme songs: Yo Girl from Heathers the Musical, Feed Me from Little Shop Of Horrors and Say My Name (preview version) from the Beetlejuice musical


~ We can be a team like the world has never seen, but you gotta free me first ~

Zephyr was awoken the following morning by his Z-band's light as yet another message came through from his sister. He moaned, rubbing his eyes before looking at the screen, then when he saw Rizzo's name, he snapped awake completely.

"Zragh vak."

In all his concern for Alonzo, he had forgotten he technically wasn't supposed to be there, and he probably should have gone home before his parents realised he was missing. It was far too late for that now, though; they'd be getting up for work soon enough and Rizzo wouldn't be able to hide anything then.

However, the priority right now was for him and Zach to walk Alonzo home and be there for him when he talked to Hazel about the night before.

She was clearly surprised when her son arrived home flanked by his boyfriend and best friend, and even more surprised by the nervous and sombre look on his face. But she knew straight away, sooner than Zylvia had, that it had something to do with the incident. No matter how much he tried to hide it these days, Hazel could always tell it still lingered over him, constantly. She hugged him on sight, holding him tightly and kissing his hair, then gestured for all three of them to sit down in the living room.

With Zephyr and Zach providing whatever comfort they could, and Zach explaining what had happened when Al wasn't conscious of his actions, he told her the whole story; that he had somehow been drawn towards brain-flavoured food rather than be repulsed by it as he had been for so long and in acting on it, made himself sick again, which then resulted in his breakdown, prompting Zach to call Zephyr for help.

"I'm sorry I didn't call you when it happened," Al sniffed, "It was the middle of the night, I didn't wanna wake you up and scare you like that..."

Hazel reached out to stroke his face, "Hey, it's OK. You're telling me now. And I am still not going to judge you for any of this. This is not your fault, Alonzo," her thumb brushed his cheek and he smiled sadly at her, "Is that all you needed to say to me?"

Al avoided her eyes for a moment. He should have known, his mom always knew if there was still something bothering him. He swallowed.

"I-I tried to take off my Z-band again," he just barely managed to say, unable to meet his mother's eyes. Her mouth fell open and her hand flew to her heart as she looked from him, to Zephyr and Zach, who each gave her a sad look in response. Al bit his lip as he tried, and failed, not to cry again. He couldn't even keep his head up, "I just... It wasn't working. I didn't know what else to do..."

Zephyr and Zach exchanged a look. They both suspected there was more to it than that, and they were right. He tried to remove his band because he wanted to stop thinking. He wanted to stop feeling. He wanted to just... stop. He was convinced he was already enough of a threat; it wouldn't make things any worse. But it didn't seem like he was ready to admit that out loud, so instead he cried in her arms with his boyfriend and best friend gently consoling him.


Upon arriving home, Zephyr was met by his sister leaning against the kitchen door. She whipped round to face him when he entered, looking apologetic, and started towards him.

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