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Harry Potter and Salazar’s Talisman by SassySlytherinGirl


The final

installment to Harry Potter and the Balance of Power trilogy. Harry

is faced with so many other challenges in this... more then you can

even imagine. How do you think he will deal with these new


Chapter 1: The Prot駩 Returns

Harry Potter entered the front door of Hogwarts and stopped in his tracks.

It had been 7 years since he had been in this hall. The feelings which

crept up on him varied. The most prominent feeling was relief. Harry’s

years after graduation, or rather after he had awoken from the magical

coma he’d been in after killing Voldemort, had been trying.

The Death Eater trials had taken a lot of his time. Although Harry could

not actually testify from first hand knowledge on many Death Eaters (Harry

had only had to deal with Voldemort’s elite) the Ministry seemed to want

Harry ever present at the trials.

Then to Harry’s dismay, they sent him abroad on a sort of good-will

mission. Harry had considered the tour another nightmare as he had been

inundated with the media and forced to suffer through public appearances.

While Sirius and his ever-present love interest, Gwenn, were there to

support him, Remus had been his savior. Harry had hired Remus as his

Public Relations representative (“I’m Famous Harry Bloody Potter. I can

damn well hire a werewolf if I want to.”) and he took the role very

seriously. Protector of Harry’s sanity, Remus learned to judge when Harry

was over-extended, exhausted or just fed up. So Harry had coped.

Harry’s only frustration during these years was his love life or, rather,

lack-there-of. Harry and Ginger’s break-up (she didn’t get over Harry’s

choice at the end of Harry’s 7th year, when he had chosen to become the

Balance of Power) had been the scandal of the decade. The media had gone

berserk with it. Ginger put up with the public outcry and took the Howlers

in stride and went on with her life.

Harry, not being able to take the pity as well as the following

matchmaking (everyone now also considered him the world’s most eligible

bachelor), extended his time abroad to include a visit (finally) to his

manor in Bulgaria. The estate Voldemort had given him his 7th year was not

large by medieval standards but it was impressive. Harry had secured a

caretaker/trustee to oversee care of the property and since it was

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