II - As I Am Yours

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The other day I was sitting watching a friend ride at the place where Raj is kept. He and his little herd are loose in the paddock where my friend was riding. Raj came over and stood over me as I sat and watched. I have complete trust in him so I am very comfortable to sit by him on the ground. 

The other horses proceeded to come and try and stand near me but Raj then stepped away from me and chased them away from me. I began to wonder although horses are not known to feel emotions on the complex level that humans do, what does Raj think and feel about me? Am I viewed from his perspective as a part of the herd? 

I would like to think he thinks that I am his human. That I am as much his as he is mine. The love I have for this little horse is endless and I would like to think it's mutual. Even if it isn't I'll still love him no matter what.

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