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A/N : So He's speaking in French but I don't want to write a chapter completely in French because most of you probably don't speak it so hope you like it

Arthur's P.O.V.

"René" You called while walking through his family's house

"Yes" you hear him say from the room behind you, you enter the room and see him sitting in front of a pure white grand piano, you sit beside him and say "René do you play piano"

He nodded in response and you said "Do you want to do a duet" I asked him

"I would love too Arthur" He replied while blushing slightly

We decided we would play
Beethoven : Sonata in D, Op.6 For a Duet we decided on it because we both liked listening too it and knew it well unbeknownst to us my parents and his mother came in the room.

A/N Play song then continue reading

When we finished we could hear claps I turned around and saw both my parents and René's mother they looked at us in awe then René turned around and stared at our parents he looked surprised then a bit flustered 'adorable' I thought while looking at him.

René's P.O.V.
I was surprised to see mother with Arthur's parents staring at us I was embarrassed because they saw me but 'it was nice playing with him' I thought as I felt heat rise to my cheeks still embarrassed my mother came up too me and said "it was beautiful you two" while putting her hands on both our shoulders

"But now Arthur and Mr.Bourbon and his wife need too go home I was sad because Arthur had too leave then he hugged me goodbye and I felt my face turn a light shade of red while leaving the embrace I saw he also had a light blush on his cheeks as he left he waved goodbye and I waved back at him as he left the room with his parents

6 Years Later—
Arthur's P.O.V.
I leave the limo as today René called me and told me to come as he needed to tell me something I knock on the door and a servant answers and her eyes widen in surprise too see my red eyes as she knew that only descendants of the royal Bourbon family had such vibrant red eyes she said " Y-Your Majesty may I ask what brings you here today?"

I answer with "René wanted too tell me something

Her eyes showed slight surprise and pity as she looked at me and said "Follow me your majesty" I wonder why she looked at me with such eyes

She leads me too René's room and said "Young Master Prince Arthur Bourbon is here too speak with you"

"Yes thank you Ms.Leblanc" he said with a hint of sadness in his voice 'Alright now I know something's wrong' I thought

Ms.Leblanc opens the door for me then I enter and she closes the door I look at René who's not facing me and I ask him "René is there something wrong"

He looks at me and I can see something's wrong, he looks like he's been crying for hours his face is red and his eyes are puffy I walk up too him and he looks at me and lays his head on my shoulder as he explains what's wrong he says "M-My mother is sick and my grandmother is threatening me to go to Japan and if I don't she'll stop paying her medical bills" My eyes widen in shock as tears threaten too fall from my eyes I wrap my arms around him as he sobs in my shoulder 'I'm just a 12 year old boy I can't help him' I thought as he was sobbing

I look at him and say "René you should go I'll look after your mother and you better send me letters"I say as a few tears fall from my eyes

He looks at me then smiles and says "You better reply" I chuckle at his response

"When do you leave" I ask with a worried tone

He replies with "In 3 days" as his smile fades

I then said "Then let's make this the best 3 days of your life!" With a cheerful smile

—After The 3 Days—
"Bye I'll miss you" I say too him as he walks up to the limo right before he opens the door he looks at me and then says "You better reply too my letters"

"And you better write them ya moron" I say as a tear falls from my left eye
"I'll miss you too" I hear him say as he gets in the limo. I look at him with sadness and while the limo is leaving I wave at it "Goodbye René" I say with a hint of sadness in my voice

No ones P.O.V.
René sent the letters like he said but after 3 years he stopped he wouldn't respond to Arthur,Arthur was worried about him so he begged his parents too let him go too Japan even for just a day too check up on him they kept saying no but then a year passed and Arthur was still asking his parents too let him and they did but they let Arthur stay there until he wished to go back home and they sent him too Ouran High School Academy where René is but he is now known as Tamaki Suoh

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