Dance with me

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"You know, you're going to need to know how to dance if you're going to go to Sam and Jess's wedding," Dean said conversationally.

"I know how to dance," Cas said slowly, tilting his head to the side.

Dean chuckled. "No Cas, I mean slow dancing, like a waltz."

"Oh," Cas mumbled, blood immediately rising to his face and marking two red spots high on his cheekbones.

Dean stood up and held his hand out. "Come on, I'll teach you."

"What?" Cas stammered, his eyes darting to Dean's eyes, to his lips and the hand held out to him.

"You heard me," Dean replied, bringing his hand closer insistently.

Eventually, they were both in an open space in the living room, Cas still looking hesitant while Dean looked completely at ease.

"Okay, so if you're dancing with a girl, you put your hands on her waist, like this," Dean took Cas's hands gently and brought them to his waist, after which he put his own arms on either  side of Cas's shoulders, interlocking them at the back of his neck.

Dean looked up and down at Cas, like he was sizing him up. "He's a top," he mumbled, not loud enough for Cas to hear.

"If it's a guy, do the same, yeah?" Dean clarified, making Cas blush once more.

Dean stepped back and grabbed his phone, pressing a few buttons before music began to play softly, violin to be exact. He went back to his position, hands around Cas's neck, and began to guide him through dancing, swaying back and forth.

It took a while, but Cas finally got the rhythm, and they danced, neither saying a word. Dean got lost in the repetitive familiarity, his mind drifting into a faint but steady hum.

"How do you know how to dance?" Cas asked suddenly, looking up.

Dean looked up into Cas's eyes, and tried to find the answer, but he couldn't. His mind was blank, and he could only stare into the electric blue, admiring the bright colours and subconsciously registering the dilation of Cas's pupils staring back into his own emerald irises.

And then Cas kissed him.

It wasn't fast, or heated. It was soft, and slow, and sweet, with just a hint of desperation behind it. Cas pulled Dean closer by his waist until both of their bodies were barely inches apart and Dean ran his hands through Cas's hair, toying with the short hairs at the nape of his neck.

And then Cas pulled away and stared into Dean's eyes, horror etched into his own.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled, before detaching his hands from its grip on Dean's hipbones. He stepped back, and quickly walked out of the room, not turning back even once. Dean just stood there, his brain unable to make his body go after Cas and stop him. He stared after Cas, violin playing faintly in the background.

Over the next few days leading up to Sam's wedding, Cas tried to avoid Dean the best he could, all but disappearing whenever Dean entered a room or pretending he had forgotten something somewhere when he saw Dean. Dean extremely regretted not stopping him when he had left that room, but he tried to talk to him, or hell, even look at him, but Cas seemed intent on not making contact with him at all since they kissed.

Now that kiss, that was not something he regretted.

They played this cat-and-mouse game for way too long, until it was the day that Sam and Jess were getting married. At the wedding, before they were about to dance, Dean raised his glass for a toast.

"Sam and Jess have the most trusting, loving relationship that I have ever had the honour to witness, and I hope that I, myself, will someday be able to have the same," pointedly stealing glances at Cas while saying so. Cas had ditched his usual trench coat for the occasion, donning a sleek suit but at the back of the crowd, trying to be inconspicuous. Dean raised his glass and downed his champagne, trying to psych himself up for what he was about to do.

As other couples went over to dance, Dean pushed his way through the crowd, trying to find Cas. He made his way across the room, finally standing in front of Cas, who looked incredibly awkward.

"Dance with me," Dean offered his hand, just like how he had when he had offered to teach Cas how to dance. After a moment's hesitation, Cas took it and let Dean drag him to the middle of the room.

Cas put his hands on Dean's waist, but continued to stare at the floor, refusing to look at Dean's face.

"Cas?" Dean asked gently, and Cas slowly raised his head and stared at Dean's eyes. They stopped dancing, and just stood there for a few seconds, both gazing into each other's eyes.

And they finally kissed.

"Yeah! I win, Sam! I told you, at our wedding!" They heard Jess shout, making both of them break apart. Her fist was pumped in the air and there was a ridiculously huge grin on her face. Sam, who was standing beside her and eyes darting between Dean, Cas and Jess, looked extremely exasperated, but also had a small smile on his face, his hands shoved into the pockets of his slacks.

"Look, I'm really happy for you two, but did you really have to one-up us at our own wedding?" Sam, called out, his voice barely stifling the chuckle he was holding back.

Cas turned his face back to Dean, grinning. "What do you think? Did we have to one-up them?"

"Hell yeah," Dean laughed, before kissing the life out of him.
So this one was pre-written, that's why it's out so fast, and yAy, long post! Hope you like it :) I know, I know, the "He's a top," that one had me cracking up too when I thought of it but hEy, its fun. Until next time, peace out bitches :)

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