Ch. 1:UA

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You awoke with a start to a loud explosion.

"COME ON DEKU!" You heard Katsuki Bakugo, the class bully, sneer at Ikuzu Midoriyama.

"Forget the crappy quirks. You're totally quirkless" he grinned down maliciously at the cowering boy.

"And you think you can run shoulders with me?!"

"Wa-wait, no Kacchan. I wasn't saying I could compete with you! Not at all!" Izuku stammered as he crawled away from the fiery bully.

"It's just. . . Been my dream since I was little, and, well. . . There's no harm in trying. . ." He said, cowering a little more.

"TRY?! TRY WHAT?! THE ENTRANCE EXAM?! YOU'RE TAKING THE EXAM JUST TO 'TRY'?!" Bakugo laughed along with the rest of the class.

"What can you-"

"You wanna shut the hell up?" You interrupt, irked by how far Bakugo had gotten.
He turned to you, glaring.

"What was that?"

Up" you say, more annoyed.

"Yeah?" He grins smugly as he walks over to you, hands lighting on fire.

"Or what? What're you gonna-" Bakugo is cut off by a large spray of water soaking him from head to toe from a wrist mounted water cannon you had built.

"Cool it hotshot" you said, laying your head back down as the class was silent, unsure of whether to laugh or go after you next.

"Ah yes, (l/n) you are going for UA along with Bakugo and Midoriyama, correct?" The teacher says, looking over his notes.

"Yeah. Bakugo away fire boy" you say, not even looking back at at the angry bully behind you.

"And leave Midoriyama alone too. Just cause he's different doesn't mean you get to pick on him" you say as the bell rings, and everyone starts to file out of the classroom.

You hear another fwoosh as Bakugo lights Midoriyamas notebook on fire and tosses it out the window and starts to taunt him again.

You simply spray him again, and leave after Midoriyama does.

"H-hey thanks for that back there. I feel like you're my only friend right now" Midoriyama says as he runs up to walk with you, since you had been neighbors since first grade.

"He pisses me off. Why can't he leave you alone?" You say, as Midoriyama shrugs.

"I don't know. Hey, good luck getting into UA though" he smiles as you reach your houses.

"You too Midoriyama"

"We've been over this, (f/n). Call me Ikuzu" he grins as you both say your goodbyes and go into your respective house.

Grabbing a snack from the kitchen, you walk down to your basement workshop and started to tinker with your most recent project: a guided plasma blade.

A loud knocking at the door woke you and you went to it, finding a letter on the ground from UA.

"Well, here goes nothing" you say, opening it.

Inside was a short letter, giving only a date, time and location.

"Well, looks like I'm in the exam" you say as you go back to tinkering and preparing for the inevitable battle.
As the morning approached, you began working out more to build up your strength and stamina. You'd see Midoriyama and Bakugo around sometimes, and say hi to Midoriyama, since Bakugo just sneered at you.

The day of the battle began with a written portion, which you passed no problem. You stretched and looked around, seeing you were the first one done.
There was a variety of quirks, from visable ones, like one girl had pink skin and pink hair, to those you couldn't see, like Bakugo.
Your eyes landed on a girl with short black hair and triangles under her eyes. Her quirk was what appeared to be headphone jacks coming from her earlobes.

She sees you looking at her, and smiles and waves.

You quickly look away, blushing.
Shit, why'd I look away?
You silently scold yourself until the schools principal, Present Mic, comes onstage and begins explaining how the points system works for the battle.

You look over to the girl again, who sees you out of the corner of her eye and turns her head to look at you and smile.

You smile back and wave shyly.
God, she's cute
You think to yourself,as some smart looking boy asks a question and politely tells another boy to shut up. Looking at the boy you realize who it is.


The green haired boy turns and smiles as he sees you, before turning back to Present Mic.

Soon, you all stood in your staging areas, waiting for the battle to begin.

"Hey" you hear a voice from behind you, and turn around to see the girl you waved to in the meeting.

"Saw you looking at me. I'm Jirou Kyouka. My quirk is my earlobes, which can move around, hear sounds, and vibrate to my heartbeat"

"H-hey, I'm (f/n)(l/n). Quirk-"

"THE BATTLE HAS BEGUN!!" Present Mic's loud voice boomed, beginning the battle.


Heylo, I have a pretty good idea what I want to do with this series, but knowing me, it won't follow it at all. Anyway, thanks for reading! Love y'all!


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