Ch. 2: The Test

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You ran out into the city, which quickly filled with the robots that you needed to defeat for points.

"(L/N)!" You hear Kyouka shout, and you turn around and fire at the robot that came out of the building behind you, destroying it for three points.

"Thanks!" You shout, shooting a robot behind her.

"No problem!" She shouts back, before leaping onto a robot and ripping it's wires out to disable it.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake as a massive robot rose from the earth.

"Well shit, he's a big boy isn't he?" You say, starting to run at it until Kyouka grabs your arm stopping you.

"It's a zero-pointer! There's no point to fight it!" She shouts, not noticing a massive piece of concrete falling towards her.
You yank her towards you just as the rock slams into the ground where she was just standing.
You both tumbled to the ground, escaping with only a few scratches and bruises.

"Y-you okay?" You ask her, before realizing the position you were in, her straddling your prone body. You both blushed and quickly got up to return to the test.
The battle raged on, with you and Kyouka fighting near each other, but only giving assistance when the other was in immediate danger.
Eventually, Present Mic came on to signal the end of the test.

"Hey, nice work out there (l/n)" Kyouka smiled at you.

"Th-thanks, y-you too" you blushed in reply, back to being nervous around her now that the adrenaline of battle was over.

"Well, I guess all that's left is to wait to see if we passed or not" she said, putting her hands behind her head as the two of you walked back to the entrance of the exam.


You walk home with Midoriyama, recalling the days events.

"No points, huh? Tough man. Hopefully they give you something for helping that girl" you say.

"Yeah, I hope so. Hey what was up with you and that girl? The one with headphone cords coming from her ears"

"Oh, you mean Jirou? Well, she's cute" you reply, a little embarrassed.

"You like her?" He asks

"M-maybe. I think so" you blush as you think of her.

As the days go bye, you tinker to improve your weapons, often falling asleep at the workbench.
Soon, a letter arrives from UA.

"Well, here goes nothing" you sigh to yourself as you open the letter, which turns out to be a hologram.

"Whoa! A hologram!" You say, instantly reaching for your tools to dismantle the small device and see how it works, only to be stopped by a voice coming from the message.

"Mr.(f/n)(l/n), I'm assuming the first thing you're doing is reaching for your tools to dismantle this device, but hold on and listen to the message first"

"What the-? All Might?" You say, dumbstruck at the heros voice.

"I'll keep this brief so you can get to taking the device apart. Congratulations, (f/n), and welcome to UA"

After a quick celebration, you grabbed your tools and began to take it apart.


Heya, here's some Kyouka. I'm gonna be following the story of BnHA more than my other stories. Nothing too big, just major events like _____ and ####, oh and of course ()()()(). Anyway, thanks for reading. Love y'all!


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