Girls Night

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Irl Pikachu: HELP

Pink Alien: wot is it? u know its girls nite! i dont like u intrupting!

Irl Pikachu: can i come to girls night? i have a crisis

Pink Alien: wots the crsis?

Irl Pikachu: i think i have a crush on a guy!!


Denki ran to Mina's room. He needed help, he was stressing out so much. He thought he was straight but now he doesn't feel like he is and he can't talk to his guy friends about it because they probably wouldn't know how to deal with having a crush on a guy (he is wrong about this because nobody in the bakusquad is straight lol).

He didn't even have to knock on the door before it was flung open and the girls pulled him inside. They chucked some black pj's, a pillow and shoved him into the bathroom, yelling for him to change into them before he told them everything.

Sighing, Denki put on the pj's. He wasn't sure whos they were but he hoped that Momo had just made them. He'd feel awkward in one of the girl's pj's. Opening the door once he had changed, he stepped out and was pushed onto the bed where the girls began doing his hair. He didn't mind it.

"So," Mina was the first to speak to him after they settled down, Uraraka began painting his nails. "Who is it???"

"Uhh" Denki swallowed, not used to telling people when he had a crush on someone. "I don't know if you'll believe me... but...."

"Come on! We don't have all year!" Toru's voice came from somewhere behind him.

Denki mumbled something, hiding behind his pillow. The girls heard it and all began squealing and fangirling. Denki burried his blushing face even more into his pillow and all the girl's secretly thought about how cute he currently looked.

"Omg you'd be so cute together!!" Ochaco gushed from the floor, Jirou curling her hair. "I didn't know you liked guys"

"Neither did I" Denki mumbled, peaking over his pillow.

In that moment, Tsu took a picture of Denki and sent it to the class group chat. In the picture Denki was blushing, his head poking slightly over the pink pillow that had been thrown at him when he entered the room.

Baby Shark: No homo bro but you look adorable in that pic!!


Knock-off spiderman: oof

Arms were made to be broken: why wasn't I envited lmao

Daddy Issues: did kaminari give you consent to take that picture? he looks rather embarrassed.

GottaGoFast: Boys are not allowed in girls dorms!!!

Nobody else replied to the picture but the girls made sure to read all of the replies out loud to Denki, making him begin to regret texting Mina in the first place.

"So when are you gonna ask him out??" Jirou asked excitedly.

"Is that what people normally do when they have a crush on someone?" Denki asked, confused.

All of the girls nodded their heads simultaniously.

"What do you normally do?" Momo asked.

"Uhh" Denki looked around the room. "Die?"

That earned him a laugh from them and Mina yelled "MOOD".

"Well what should I do?" The yellow haired boy asked, finally putting the pullow down, a light blush still tinged on his cheeks.

"Give me your phone." Toru ordered.

Denki slowly passed her his phone getting slightly concerned about what she was gonna do.


"" Denki said, quietly.

The girls all rolled their eyes and Toru typed in the password.

All the girls crowded around her and wouldn't let Denki see what they were doing.

"There you go." Toru chucked the phone back at him. "He has insomnia and his favourite treat are cupcakes. His favourite animal is a cat and he's free Saturday. He considers Aizawa as a father figure and is doing extra training to get into the Hero course. He also knows nothing about you so after girls night you're gonna text him and get no sleep. Borrow my makeup if you need to hide bags under your eyes because, hon, you're gonna be exhausted and going to school with bags under your eyes is only going to concern Mr Aizawa who acts too much like a dad for his own good because you are usually all bubbly and never tired."

Denki took a moment for his brain to catch up with what she was saying.

"Oh no I won't need to borrow makeup for bags under my eyes. I have my own, thanks. I never sleep lol." Denki laughed.

"Perfect" Mina stated, ignoring the rising concern in her "You can talk to you're future boyfriend about it."

The rest of the night was hectic. Denki had so much fun that he was invited to all future girls nights.

After he got back to his own dorm, he immediately texted the boy that had been on his mind all day.

Irl Pikachu: hi!

tired eyes: what do you want?

Irl Pikachu: to talk to you

tired eyes: why?

Irl Pikachu: because im bored and you're fun to talk to.

tired eyes: Im going to pretend to believe you. How was girls night?

Irl Pikachu: how'd you know about that?

tired eyes: Mina. I must say you looked rather adorable in that picture.

tired eyes: hey, are you free on saturday?

A.n. and that's all for now folks! I wanted to make a longer story out of this but gave up and shortened it into a oneshot. Sorry, it was rushed. It's not my best oneshot but whatever. Also, sorry i haven't been updating my other stories. Literally can't be bothered with it anymore lol. Sorry.

I AM (no longer) HERE!

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