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"Harry?" Zayn calls from the kitchen. Harry and Zayn have been dating for about nine months. They now share a flat together in London.

"Yes baby?" Harry replies in a soft tone.
"Can you pick up a few things from the grocery store? We are running out of food and you know I get hungry a lot." Zayn asks his boyfriend.
"Of course I would! Just give me a list of things we need and i'll be on my way."

Harry makes his way out the door right after getting the list and giving his boyfriend a sweet kiss on the cheek. As Harry is walking to the grocery store, he sees this shadow in a dark ally way. He decided to brush it off as if it was nothing. He gets all things that are on the list and walks to the cashier.

"Alex?" The young man at the cashier lifts his head as he remembers Harry's familiar face
"Harry?" He ask.
"Alex! Where have you been bro? I thought you worked at Target?" Harry says as he gets his things checked out
"Not anymore. I got fired." Alex laughs. As they converse for a while, it is soon time for Harry to get back to his lovely boyfriend waiting at the flat.

"Well see you later Alex! Don't get fired." Harry slightly yells.
"Ha very funny Harry, Kill yourself later on today alright?" Alex replies but it didn't seem as if Harry heard the last part. Harry walks out the grocery store with bags in his hands ready to get home when he bumps in to someone and his bags drop.

"Sorry." they say in a unison.
"I apologize, its my fault for not looking where I was going." Harry says

"Eh, its alright, need any help?" The strange man replies.
"No thank you, you look beat up, need a dollar?" Harry says, completely serious.
"Someone has jokes today don't they huh? Well you wont be laughing once I fuck that tight colon of yours right?" The man strikes back.
"Aye bro you're a faggot! What the fuck!" Harry says being hypocritical because he also likes to get it in the ass but still hasn't came out the closet.
"You're a faggot as well though. You're too afraid to admit it but once I get you in bed, you'll scream it out to the world." The unknown man smirks as he sees Harry's scared expression, he decided to back up.
"I-I got to go alright?" Harry says as he starts walking away in a fast pace.
"I'm Louis by the way!, Remember my name because you'll be screaming it soon." Louis says while going back to the ally way to smoke weed.


Harry is finally back at the flat after speed walking away from Louis. Harry was also very frightened and kept thinking about what Louis was telling him. He never imagined cheating on his boyfriend. He clears his thoughts as he unlocks the door to his & Zayn's flat.

"What took you so long Harold? I was getting worried about you!" Zayn yells as he runs up to Harry and takes his bags to set on the counter.

Harry tells Zayn about everything that happened on his trip to get groceries. Zayn is very angry at this 'Louis' character he was just informed about. He tells Harry that he will pay Louis a visit to back off of him because he knows Harry is scared.

Zayn makes dinner for them both and they eat and talk about how their life is and they catch up on a few things. After dinner, Zayn tells Harry to go take all the grease out of his hair. Harry's hair is so greasy, its like he's really putting Zayn's horrible fried chicken in his big curly hair so he wont hurt Zayn's feelings and say his chicken is bad.


The next morning, Harry decided to make breakfast for his boyfriend Zayn. Harry is a horrible cook but it was the thought that count right? After breakfast, Zayn makes his way to the bathroom and shits out everything he just ate. "FUCK." Zayn groans as a big piece of shit comes out. Zayn thinks about beating Harry for this but he loves him too much to ever hurt him.

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