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At Siddharth's house,

                His mother called him suddenly, so he immediately go to her room. There she is dressing up.

His mom- Son! I am going to my friend's grand opening of her shop. So I want to take you with me. Go dress quickly and come down.

Sidd- Okay mom. I will come with you.

              After some time, he and his mother went to the place. And there his mother introduced him to her friend's daughter. But one thing he don't know is that she has a crush on him for so long.

             Her name is Avneet Kaur. They became friends from that day on. She helps him with his restaurant. They went shopping together.

             One day, Sidd wanted to advertise his restaurant with some photos. So he needed a photographer and he talked about that to Avneet. And he also said that he wanted the best photographer in Mumbai. Then he remembered someone.

Sidd- Avneet! Do you know Z blogger? I like his photographs so I would like to rent her for this job.

              Avneet's face suddenly became dull but put her smile.

Avneet- Of course! I know her. She had once worked with me. If you want, I can call her.

Sidd- That's great. Thanks Avu

               Little did Siddharth know is that Avneet and Z blogger are not good co-workers. Once Avneet rent Z blogger for her shop. But unfortunately they didn't get along well.

( I guess you know who Z blogger is. So I gonna write Reem in the place of Z blogger.)

                 The reason is when Reem went to her shop, she saw Avneet scolding her servants for no reason. So she came in between and taunted her in front of her servants. That's why she didn't like Reem start from that day. But now Sidd wanted her so she must rent her .

The day which Z blogger and Sidd took an appointment..,

In his restaurant,

                 Reem arrived the restaurant and waiting for Sidd. While waiting, she captured some beautiful things with her camera. Suddenly she heard some voice.

The voice- Hey! It's rude to take the picture of someone's thing without his permission.

               Reem turned around to see who is the voice.

Reem- You? Siddharth? What are you doing here? I took because I have a permission. The owner of this restaurant himself rent me to take his restaurant pictures.

Siddharth- Reem? So you are Z blogger? Hey I am the owner of this restaurant!

Reem- I didn't expect to see you.

Sidd- So let's sit and talk.

Reem- Okay.

Sidd- So do you know your bestie is dating with my bestie?

Reem- What the heck? No! I didn't know! She didn't tell me!

Sidd- Ohh. Now you know. I heard the news about you from her.

Reem- What news?

Sidd- That you have become a very famous photographer and also you own the studio and gallery. Not less than me, Uh?

Reem- I was never less than you, Siddharth! You know I was supposed to be better than you but the fate was on you.

Sidd- Jealous are we?

Reem- No! I am not jealous of you and I have been telling you this since the school time.

Sidd- Alright alright. Now let's discuss about the business

Reem- Yeah!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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