Through The Halls

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The creaking of floor boards can be heard as I ran down the maze like hallway of our house, chasing a certain individual that I just saw. I grew confused as I came across the part of the house which divides the hallway into two separate paths. I heard thumping noises in the left side, which lead me to choose that path. i sprinted down the halls of the enormous manor that my family resides in. I finally caught sight of a small girl wearing white with long black hair, kind of like a ghost.

Why was I chasing her you may ask? Well, I’m a huge fan of paranormal stuff. Ghosts, demons, poltergeist, you name it. And me being the weird paranormal addict I am, I chased the ghostly feminine figure that I saw in the halls of the spacious, spooked manor that my family owns.

A cool breeze caressed my face as I ran through the dim lighted hallway, the sun setting as its beautiful rays of warm light shined through the open windows. The ghostly girl I was following even ran like a ghost. Its black hair flowing through the air, as I sped up, trying to catch up to it. In horror movies, the humans are the prey and the ghosts and demons are the predator. But not in here. I’m the predator here, the one who chases its prey down the haunting halls of an old estate.

The sun had completely set with the moon replacing it. The other end of the hall darkened. I paused and stared at the glooms of the hall. ''It looked like an endless dark abyss’’ I thought. I started to slowly back up and made my way down the hall, across the open windows, my dark brown locks of hair dancing to tune of the wind.

The time has passed and it’s finally bedtime. I plopped down on my bed, tired. I didn’t tell anyone about the girl I chased down the corridor. I didn’t want to sound crazy, that’s why I just kept shut. As I covered myself with my comforter, I heard footsteps right outside my bedroom door. I stared at the door as the sounds began to fade. I gripped my comforter and unhurriedly pulled it off. I stood up from my bed and quietly tiptoed to the entrance of my bedroom. I placed my ear onto the paper - thin door as I tried to listen for footsteps. I grabbed the knob and carefully turned it, trying to be as silent as possible.

I opened the door little by little and slid myself out of the room. I spotted the same girl down the halls. Long black hair, white dress, and arms so slim and pale. I tiptoed hurriedly, as fast as I can, and as quiet as I can. The hallway was as murky as ever, very little amount of light lit the entire corridor as I tiptoed my way to the figure which I assumed was a ghost.
Finally, I was just a few inches away from the ghost. In a slow pace, I placed my hand on its shoulder and I swiftly turned the being around. What I assumed it to look like, was wrong. It was my younger cousin, wearing a black wig. ''what are you doing wearing a wig?’’ I asked with a scowl, annoyed by the fact that it wasn’t a ghost. '' you creeped me out you little brat! Why are you wearing a wig while walking down the halls at 8:30 in the evening?!’’ I added. '' I have a role play tomorrow in school and I borrowed this from aunt Francis!’’ she screamed in a whisper. '' I took it earlier to practice but you chased me down the halls! What do you think I am? A thief?’’ she glared at me for a second and rolled her eyes. '' yeah’’ I replied while trying to avoid eye contact. '' well you thought wrong’’ she whispered and chuckled quietly. '' who’s that by the way?’’ she asked me as she pointed to the opposite direction of the corridor. I slowly turned my head only to see a girl staring at us. Wearing a white dress with black hair, bloody eyes and ghostly features. And now, my cousin and i are both running through the halls of darkness.

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