Amidst The Mists

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Part 1

''Amidst the mists’’ I quietly stated, as I walked through the flooded streets of the town, the light rain pitter - pattered on the houses and streets as I attempted to recite the tongue twister my English teacher instructed the class to memorize for a verbal recitation. ''and coldest frosts…with stealthiest wrists and loudest boasts’’ I continued as the breeze roared through the mist of the sky, blowing my drenched locks off my forehead. ''He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists–‘’ I stopped chanting as I felt a vibration in my pocket, together with my ringtone.  

I curiously clawed my phone from my pocket as it lightly quaked on my wet, gloved hand. An unknown number was ringing me. I caught sight of a small bus stop and ran towards the blue stall. I pressed the green circle on my phone and uttered a small ''hello?’’ only to be answered by short ghostly breaths. ''hello?’’ I repeated, yet no voice answered. ''It’s just a prank call” I solemnly thought, as the heavy breathing continued through the phone. I moved my thumb to hang the call, but before my thumb reaches the screen of my phone, I can hear eerie gibberish moans through the speaker of my phone. Thunder roared through the sky as the lightning lit up the gloomy gray clouds. I involuntarily pressed the red button from shock at the loud whip crack of thunder. I returned my phone back to my pocket and tried to forget about the bone chilling call, and I started to make my way home.

The rain has weak, sky lit up, and the mist clouding up the roads have disappeared. My eyes finally saw through the entire neighborhood, and the gray wooden porch of my home came to sight. I finally made a small sprint to the door and inhaled the fresh, moist air as my hand shakily grabbed the cold metal doorknob. ''I’m home!’’ I yelled out, waiting for an answer, as I unbuttoned my pale blue coat and wiped my shoes off the doormat. Heavy footsteps came from my sister’s bedroom, echoing through the wide empty halls.                                                              

We live in a large one story modern house. My sister’s room is across our parent’s bedroom in the left side of the house, which is just a room across from the entrance hall. While my room is aside our living room next to the entrance. The kitchen, dining area, the bathroom and laundry room in the far left side of the house. The study and the guest rooms lie at the very back of the house.

My sister shows up and walks past me, heading to the living room. ''Why didn’t you call me to pick you up?’’ she surprisingly asked, I was amazed that she asked me that when she usually doesn’t care when I get drenched during heavy rains. I just lightly shrugged my shoulders in ignorance. ''where’s mom and dad?’’ I curiously asked, only to be handed a note in return.  Written in the note was:                                              me and your mom are going to a business trip for 2 weeks, behave properly and always lock the doors.

Great, now me and my sister are home alone for two weeks just because of my parent’s little business trip. ''A 12 year - old and a 16 year - old girl left alone in a house for two weeks straight in a town where a lot of weird things happen. I’m sure nothing could go wrong’’ I sarcastically spat out while rolling my eyes ''we don’t have choice. And besides, mom said that aunt Jean is going to check on us every two days. And we’re allowed to have friends over’’ she calmly stated.  ''I swear this is gonna go bad’’ I answered in a sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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