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Miracle woke, she was in a cell, lying on the berth in the corner, as she sat up she rubbed the back of her neck, letting out an annoyed moan, then the door opened, she looked up, only to see the one optiked mech the older twins fear so much.

Bolt paced the rec room, in front of the table jolt sat at with Optimus, Vanity, Stormer, Crusher, Jazz and Prowl, they were thinking of ways to find Miracle, other bots in the rec room were doing their usual things, but secretly listening to the conversation, bolt suddenly stopped, looking over the group "Dameon" she said, the whole room fell silent at the of the unfamiliar static voice of the silent femme, they all looked at her, surprised "Dameon, our.....spy" she said, cutting off from a bit of static "don't strain your voice bolt, and we know him, now do like you always do and Be quiet" jolt said, bolt rolled her optics and sat down "she just talked, did anyone notice she just talked" Jazz said in amazement "who's Dameon" Optimus asked, ignoring jazz "he's part of our team, bolts mech friend, he's among the Decepticon ranks, our highly capable spy, though I wouldn't call him stable, they've messed him up, he glitches, sometimes he's Autobot, sometimes he's Decepticon, its a recurring thing, we can't trust him to get Miracle out" Vanity said, sighing, optimus looked at bolt "mech friend" he asked, she nodded "we've tried to save him many times, but it seems he just reverts back to his Decepticon state, bolts prepared to make a sacrifice though, except she's never there when we actually catch him" Jolt said, looking at his sibling her just shrugged "unexplainable" came her static vocals, jolt just rolled his optics "sure it is" he said "what sacrifice would she make" Prowl asked "spark bond, it would block out the glitch forever, keep him in his original processor function, which was Autobot, except, its gonna hurt him, a lot, same goes for her" Jolt said "then why don't we find him and do it" Crusher suggested, they all nodded, it would be their only option at that point.

Rodimus lay on Miracles berth, still in recharge, ratchet walked in, seeing the mechs tear stained face, he sighed, moving over to the berth and doing a quick scan to check the primes vitals, Rodimus had been in there the last three days, ever since Miracle was taken, all he ever did was lye there and cry, the medic always left a cube of energon before he left, checking on him every day, it wouldn't be long until the others found Dameon, Rodimus just had to hold on till then.

"Never" Miracle spat, a hard punch was thrown across her face and she fell to her side, the cut on her cheek opening once again, energon leaking slowly from it as she pulled herself back to her pedes, breakdown seemed to enjoy hitting her when she didn't listen to shockwave, not that she'd done anything anyway, but they would beat her up until she did, or until she was dead, they wanted her to create a virus that could bypass all the immunisations and cures she had given to all the Autobots, but she continued to refuse, even after the few days of beatings, she still refused, and she would keep refusing till she was dead, she had to.

Bolt and jolt flew together, having picked up Dameon's signal, they flew fast, arriving at his coordinates in record time, they transformed, landing either side of the blue and silver bot "hey guys" Dameon said, but he became confused when the two advanced towards him "sorry D, its for your own good" Jolt said before pinching a wire in his neck, Dameon fell to the ground, unconscious "alright, ready" jolt asked, bolt nodded, she was no where near ready, but she would do it for Dameon.

"You alright" Ratchet asked, seeing bolt rub at her chest plates "spark hurts" she said, still static "of course it does you just forced a bond" Ratchet said, the twins had returned to base with Dameon, now the con, or Autobot, lay on the medical berth, strapped down for precaution.

Ratchet and bolt looked over when Dameon groaned, shuttering his optics open "why the frag does my spark hurt so much" he asked, bolt got up and walked over to him, placing a servo on his chassis, he smirked "talk about take your time" he said, giving a pained grunt, she removed the restraints and he sat up "your stuck with me now sweet spark" he said, she rolled her optics, moving away from him "you need to go see optimus and Vanity" Ratchet told the mech, Dameon nodded and stood up, following bolt from the room.

Before they came to the rec room door, Dameon grabbed bolt by the arm and pulled her against him in a passionate kiss "primus I missed you so much" he said, letting her go, she smiled, grabbing his servo and taking him into the rec room.

"Please, stop" Miracle asked weakly, trying to move away from Starscream who had gotten the pleasure of torturing her, she had been beaten badly, her armour covered in dents and scratches, cuts and scrapes along with burn marks and wielded gashes, her paint was scraping off and her frame mostly covered in her own energon, which was still leaking slowly from her frame "are you willing to cooperate" Starscream asked, holding the whip above his helm "n-no" she said, then cried out as he lashed her once more.

Rodimus woke, his frame heated, cooling fans on, he took deep breaths, still lying on Miracles berth, not once had he left it, not since she had been taken a week ago, he knew he should be out looking for her, but he was to much of a mess to even move, he knew the others would be trying to find her anyway.

Dameon slipped into his quarters on the warship, moving over to his desk, he had left the Autobot base and returned, claiming he had been captured and had just escaped, Megatron believed every word of his brilliant lie, so the spy grabbed some of his most important stuff, he wouldn't be able to return once he saved Miracle, so once he had grabbed his stuff and sub spaced it, he headed towards the cells.

Miracle was lying on the floor when the door to her dark, damp cell opened, she didn't have the strength to move, but found herself being gently lifted off the ground and into what felt like protective arms, she kept her optics closed though, not caring who it was, then they headed down the hall.

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