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I sat in math class, trying my best to drown out my teacher. First day of senior year, and we're already getting a math lecture.
I looked around the room to examine my new classmates. Looking around, I see a lot of my friends, some jocks, and lots of nerds. The biggest nerd was sitting next to me, he had big fake eye glasses, and zits all over his face that were ready to burst. He was wearing a shirt with the carton version of "Star Wars" on it, and raised his hand every time the teacher asked a question, which was bad luck for me, because every time he raised his arm, I'd get a strong whiff of B.O. His name was Eion, and I've known him since 7th grade. Ever since I met him, he's had the biggest crush on me.
The bell rang and everyone got up to leave, but Mrs. P yelled out, "The bell does not dismiss you, I dismiss you!"
Of corse, my smart ass ex boyfriend had to say something, "Then what the fuck is that bell for?"
Thomas. Just thinking about him gave me a headache. He was the most annoying boyfriend I ever had, and the last. I can't trust guys now, not after what he did to me.
"Mr. Wallow! Principal's office! NOW! The rest if you may leave." Mrs. P hollered in anger and frustration.
As we flooded into the halls, one of my best friends, Cassidy, met up with me and walked down to my locker.
"Who's the person next to you?" She asked, examining the locker next to mine.
"I don't know. They weren't here this morning." I shrugged and slammed my locker door shut.
"Thomas really screwed himself in Math didn't he?" She asked with a smirk.
"God I hope so." I said with a devious smile.
After Math, I had English. It went by in a blur. We watched a long video on suspense, and I practically fell asleep durning it. When the bell rang I quickly packed up and raced out of the room to my locker.
When I got there, my locker neighbor was putting in his combination. He had a tattoo on his upper arm, and upper muscles that made me melt. He was tall, a lot taller then me, considering I was only 5'4 he seemed about 5'10 or even 5'11. He was wearing our teams football jersey, and sagged jeans. He had light brown hair, cut short.
I walked up to my locker and got a glance at his face. He had pale baby blue eyes, and looked very familiar, but I couldn't remember at the time.
He glanced down at me, then smirked. I politely smiled back, then grabbed my German binder and raced away.
"Ohmigod! Gabby!!" Cassidy squealed in excitement as we walked into German.
"What?" I asked amused.
"Like you don't know! Matt? He's your locker neighbor!" She giggled with joy.
Shit. That's why he looked familiar. I haven't spoken to him since Freshman year, when the girl he's liked since sixth grade left. Forever. She even told him to go fuck himself. He changed after that, and wouldn't talk to me anymore. He wouldn't respond to my texts, or answer my calls. I liked him in 7th and 8th grade, but when he blew me off, I gave up. So, after a while I stopped calling him, and texting him. I stopped being in love with him.
"Fuck me. You're kidding. Please tell me this is some sort of sick joke." I pleaded.
"Nope. And look at the seating chart. Looks like he sits next to you, too." Cassidy said amused as she sat in her assigned seat.
My seat was in the way back in a corner, and Matt's was next to me. A couple minutes into class, Matt finally walked in.
"Mr. LeRay? Do you have a pass?" Frau Beier asked in German.
"Nein." He said, no emotion once so ever.
"You sit next to Miss. Pape." She said, pointing to me.
I keep my head down and try to pay attention, but I could feel Matt's eyes burning a hole in my soul.
"What do you want?" I asked in a yell-whisper.
"Nothing. You look different." He whispered back.
"That's what happens when people grow up, idiot!" I whispered back, trying to stay as quiet as possible.
"Gabby, I'm really sorry. I just had a rough spot in my life when I ditched you." He said sincerely.
The bell rang and I started packing up, "Yeah. Well, I guess when you ditched me, you also didn't plan on Vivian leaving you, and then you becoming the player of the school. Bye Matt."

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