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Hermione sat down on her bed, exhausted with tear stained eyes. After crying on the steps to the great hall for a few minutes she decided it was best if she removed herself from the situation and went to her dorm. Maybe try and rest, it did wonders for emotions. She wiped her eyes again and fell backwards into the mattress, letting out a loud groan. Why did Ron have to ruin every thing? Couldn't she just enjoy herself for once or was it forbidden? The door to the fourth year girl's dorm opened and in came Lavender, a look of slight concern on her face for a brief moment when she didn't see Hermione laying on her back. She looked absolutely pissed of. "Hermione are you ok?" She asked in a soft caring voice and sitting down beside the brunette. Hermione shook her head and Lavender reached a hand out to rest on Hermione's knee in a comforting manner. "Ron was being a selfish idiotic brat. He shouldn't talk to you like that he had no right to step in and say you where being selfish. All you where doing was having a bit of fun and relaxing. It wasn't like you where talking shit behind their backs.  You shouldn't listen to him," the blonde said smiling at the girl laying on her back. "Thanks Lav," Hermione muttered before sitting up and wiping her eyes again.
Lavender leaned in and kissed Hermione gently before pulling away, the paired had been dating for several months in secret. "You're such a tease Lav," Hermione said smiling at her girlfriend. "We should go back to the hall and show him who's boss. Krum was looking for you as well by the way babe," Lavender said with a look of disgust on her face. He had been trying to woo Hermione into falling in love with him all night, and she had to admit she was jealous. It was her girl he was trying to get with. She had wanted to take her girlfriend to the ball but Hermione was scared of the insults they would receive, more so the insult Lavender would receive for dating the bookworm of Hogwarts. "I'm sick of Krum! He keeps trying to kiss me. I told him I was only going with him as no one else had asked me and I've repeatedly told him I have zero feelings for him!" Hermione said falling back on her bed with a heavy sigh.
Lavender sighed looking up at the clock there were three hours left of the ball and she really wanted to show Ron and Krum -perhaps the other boys ogiling Hermione-  who was boss. "Hermione let's sort out your makeup and redo your hair and go back down to the ball, together! It would be fun love," Lavender said looking at her girlfriend with hopeful eyes. "But Lav I don't want people to start insulting you because you are with me and you're lesbian! Besides my makeup is smeared and my hair is a mess," Hermione said exhausted. "Please beautiful, I want to show everyone how lucky I am to have you and that your taken. Besides we can easily fix your makeup and hair," Lavender said hopefully. She looked at Hermione with big puppy dog eyes and a pout. Hermione let out a defeted sigh. "Ok babe but you'll get teased for being with me I'm telling you," Hermione said sitting up. "Lets fix up your hair and then sort out your makeup babe, wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea now would we" Lavender said standing up and taking a chuckiling Hermione with her.
"You still look stunning my dear," Lavender said spinning her girlfriend around in the middle of the room. Hermione giggles softly and her cheeks burned red. "So do you beautiful," Hermione responded smiling up at her girlfriend. Lavender giggled and kissed Hermione softly. "We should really sort out your hair and makeup if we want to go back down and show them who's boss. Can't let them think they have all the power now can we?" Lavender said sitting Hermione down at the vanity.  She grabbed her eyeshadow pallet and smiled at her girlfriend. "Same as earlier princess?" She asked. Hermione giggled, a slight blush creeping up her face at the sound of the pet name, and nodded and the blonde witch. 
After twenty minutes Lavender had finished Hermione's makeup and she looked like a princess. "You look absolutely stunning my princess!" Lavender said. Hermione faintly blushed and giggled. "Maybe tonight we will finally be able to be happy together," Hermione said smiling. Lavender smiled back at her girlfriend and got to work on her hair which had started falling out of its previously perfect high bun. Fixing it up in the perfect position and making sure strands where lose to frame Hermione's beautiful face. She truly did look stunning. Lavender waved her wand to quickly fix her own hair and makeup. She wanted Hermione's to be done special not with the wave of a wand. "Ready beautiful?" Lavender asked Hermione while helping her out of her chair. "Of course gorgeous," Hermione responded smiling and giggling, she still wasn't used to the constant compliments from her girlfriend. They exited the dorms and walked down into the common room.
The couple heard loud arguing. Harry and Ron where having a small shouting match in front of the fireplace. "I told you the second we came back down Ron and the second we left and all those times you asked, yes you where completely out of line! I would have no clue about Lavender's relationship status! Hermione is far to good for Krum! Will you stop asking me over and over again?" Harry shouted. "I wasn't out of line mate!" Ron yelled back angrily. "I hate to step in but you got something wrong there Ronald, you where out of line, significantly out of line. You had no right to tell 'Mione she was being selfish for spending time with other people and having a bit of fun. Oh and by the way I do agree with you Harry, my girlfriend is far to good for Krum!" Lavender said stepping towards the boys, wand out in front of her in a threatening manner. "Girlfriend?" Ron asked looking like he had just been slapped across the face, which he definitely would have deserved. "Yes have you got a problem with your best friend and your crush being gay and dating?" Hermione asked glaring at me Ron. "What? Of course I have a problem with you dating Brown, you are far to good for her! Why would you lower yourself to her level?" He shouted at Hermione. She stepped forward and slapped him for the second time that night, though he probably deserved more. "Don't you dare insult my girlfriend! She is extremly loving and caring, it also happens to be that she is the only person by my side when I need her!" Hermione said viciously. She took Lavender's hand smiled at Harry and left the common room.
The pair walked into the great hall to see many of the couples still dancing. However several couples had abandoned the dancing and where now making out in corners. The remaining teachers couldn't care less and where to tired to split them up. A slow song came on next and Lavender led Hermione to the middle of the dance floor. "Lets show this school the new power couple they'll all be rooting for," Lavender whispered to her girlfriend. Hermione smiled up and girlfriend and laughed a little. They got in position and started slow dancing. The pair caught a lot of attention from the crowd. Perhaps it was the fact they both looked stunning, or maybe it was that two girls had started slow dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Amongst the onlookers was Hermione's old date Krum. He smiled knowingly, he assumed Hermione was trying to make him jealous so he would kiss her. Though he had been trying all night and she had avoided it. Lavender looked up at the crowd and noticed him. She couldn't stand the sight of him and scoweld in his direction. "Krum is watching us my dear," Lavender whispered to Hermione. "Then let's show him what we've got!" Hermione responded before pulling lavender down for a kiss by her neck. Neither girl pulled away. The pair had just shared their first public kiss. A very public kiss with most of Hogwarts on looking. Not only a very public kiss, but a very romantic one.  A romantic, public kiss in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by people that didn't like Hermione. "I love you Hermione, no matter what happens I will always remember you and love you till the end of time," Lavender said quietly. Everyone could hear them though. The music had stopped and so had all the chatter when they kissed. "I love you too Lavender you always know how to cheer me up. I could never forget you even if I tried. I love you too much," Hermione responded smiling up at her girlfriend. They heard a loud groan coming from Krum as he walked out. "There goes my awful excuse of a date that kept me from you most of the night," Hermione said with a sigh of relief. "See Mione who cares what people think?" Lavender whispered as the music came back on and they continued to dance. They knew in the morning rumours would be flying around the halls. Possible tails of a slipped love potion or maybe the imperious curse. But it didn't matter to them, who cares what people think when they where so happy together.

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