I was

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I was young about the age to and well my father had just left and he gave me something and I lost it and I just recently found it I don't quite know what it is it's like weird I tried looking it up but nothing.. So
Later when I was four he came back but I didn't have it and he only came back for a few days he left before my birthday... he hasn't came back since and not too long ago I found the thing that he gave me I've had other problems before that but.... I guess I would or could tell ya worning its crazy!
I was about the age of eight and my mother had just got a new boyfriend he.... He... Uh .mm... we moved around the age of 9 and something ... He did... Terrified me he had murdered 2 kids... I filled out and he said not to tell ANY ONE... And a I.... I didn't and he did bad mean and gross gross thing like... He sexual abused me...

So yeah haha.... I... I'm really depressed and seen messed up shit ... So.... My mom noticed a little blood on me and she was really suspissuos of things and I told her showed her scars and a Marks on my arm but he didn't do it I did but one I didn't I didn't know who and I showed he one body almost throwing up I ran back inside so I cut my hair and change my aperints I dyed my hair and other changes... Yeah thats it so far I'll update when a BIG events happen!

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