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Suzys POV
           After class,hyuna and the others was in outside of our room. Ofcourse they waiting for me. Im excited to the party , because its been a long time that i not attending to the party. 

"Ahmm....suzy can u make it faster?" Hyeri.

              Jin help me for packing up my things to make it faster.
"Thank u jin. Lets go"
           We already on the outside of our clasroom. We waiting for the three.
"Jin where are they?" I ask.
"I think they assigned to clean their room,,oh wait! There they are." Jin.

"Sorry guys for keep u waiting." Jimin.

"Lets go?" Hyeri.

"But..where's hyuna and victoria?" Me.

"They already on our house." Hyeri.

"Suzy, u will seat besides me in the car ha?" V.

"Hm. Okay."

"What!? Did u agree?, no! She will sit beside me." Jungkook.

"Guys..why did u like suzy sit besides yours.?" Hyeri.

"Because shes my girlfriend." Jungkook.

Hyeris POV
               Shit!! Jungkook what did u say? She is ur girlfriend!!?.

"Yah! Jungkook she is ur girlfriend!?"  Me.

"!" Suzy.

"Suzy dnt deny ur feelings for me..i know u like me too.:)<3". Jungkook.

"Yah...suzy ..dnt love here.." V.

        Suzy only laughs but i can see her cheeks it was blushing. Argh!!.I go nearer to jungkook , but when im besides him,,sadly my driver was there!.

"Mam lets go" Driver.
"Okay okay!" Me.

             I cant join to their car because I had my own.

Suzys POV
        After half of hour, finally we're already here in hyeri's house. We're in to the living room. I see hyuna and victoria going downstair.
"Welcome suzy!!" Hyuna and victoria in unison.

"Thank u" Me.


                  I can see how much they prepare. I see their foods that they cook for this party.

"Suzy lets eat, before we go up." Hyeri.

"Ah okay, btw what are we gonna do upstair?" Me.

"U know, girls talk, we should know u more " Hyeri.

"Haha okay." Me.

             After we ate, we rest for a while.

"Suzy come on?" Hyeri.

"Okay, Hyuna and Victoria was already there." Me.

"Hyeri!! Take care of  suzy." Jin.

"Arasso" Hyeri.

Hyeri's Bedroom
Suzy's POV
           How will i start? I feel awkward  , we're not close that much.
"Come on suzy, sit on the bed" Hyuna.

"Dnt be shy" Victoria.


              Then I already sat.

My hidden past(T.U.K.2kaizy and bts)Where stories live. Discover now