Alastor Monlow & Chase Morgan A very Potter story

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Chase's POV


                        Chase sat on his bed, bundled in a pile of pillows and stuffed animals, books surrounding him as he read his favorite book of all time, Alice in Wonderland. He sighed as he finished it for the, what had to be, 30th time. He sat up and adjusted his yellow sweater, pushing his slightly overgrown hair out of his face and readjusting his glasses higher on his nose. He stood up and stretched, hopping off of his bed over the pillows so he didn't mess up the perfect Chase sized nest he had made. Landing with a soft thud, he walked out of his room and down the stairs, being as quiet as possible as he did so, avoiding the creek that was sure to happen on the second to last step, sneaking into the kitchen to get an apple, knowing he wouldn't be allowed to eat, considering how late it was, He checked the oven clock and it read 2:34 am. He smiled and ran back up the stairs, his socks muffling the noise as he came back into his room and sat at his desk, spinning in his chair as he ate his apple and daydreamed about living in wonderland with the rabbit and the hatter, soon enough, he woke up, laying on the soft and warm carpet of his room, his apple sadly lying on the floor in front of him. He groaned and sat up, putting his glasses back on and licking his chapped lips. He looked up at his window and saw the cherry blossom tree blooming for the first time since his grandparents had planted it years ago. He smiled brightly and got up, instantly awake as he stormed downstairs and into the kitchen, running up to his Dad. "Dad!Dad! The tree! Did you see the tree?! It's so pretty! Come look! Where's father?" he asked, looking around the room for his father. His dad smiled and took a sip of his tea, nodding towards the front door. Chase giggled and waved goodbye to his dad and ran to the door, sliding on his white shoes and opening the door, sprinting out to his father who was standing at the base of the tree, smiling and looking up at the pink flowers. "They are beautiful, aren't they son?" he said quietly, a tear running down his cheek as he thought of his mother. "Your Grandmother planted this with her best friend, your Grandfather when they were just about your age."

Chase smiled softly and hugged his father "They would've loved to see it today, huh?" he said quietly as he watched a petal float away with the wind. His father nodded and said nothing, admiring the soft petals.

Meanwhile, Chase's dad was sitting at the dining table, sipping his tea, when a small white owl flew through the open window and to the table. He spits out his tea, nearly choking as he saw the letter marked with the Hogwarts crest. He smiled and pet the owl, setting down his tea. "Hey little guy, sorry you startled me a bit there, is that for Chase?" he asked, reaching for the letter grasped in the owl's beak. "Thank you, I'll be sure it gets to him," he said, giving the owl a bite of his biscuit before sending it out again. He stood up from his chair and calmly walked into the front yard, walking up behind his husband and hugging him as he looked at his son. "A little birdie brought in a letter for ya Chase," he said, handing him the Hogwarts invitation envelope, his husband smiled and kissed him on the cheek as he let go of the hug, standing next to each other to watch Chase's eyes light up with excitement. Chase slowly smiled wide as he realized what the letter was for. "Wait what?! Really?! But I'm 10! Aren't we supposed to get it when we're 11?" he asked, tilting his head a little. His father shrugged "I guess they accepted you early. Headmistress McGonagall must think highly of you.." he said, patting his son on the shoulder. "Well, aren't you going to open it?" they asked in unison. He smirked and opened his letter, careful not to break the delicate wax seal to badly, pulling out the small parchment paper and reading it.

Dear Chase Morgan,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on the 1st of June.We await your owl no later than the 31st of May.

Yours sincerely,


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry

Headmaster. Albus DumbledoreTM

(Order of Merlin, first-class, Grand Sorc. Chf. Warlock, Supreme of Mugwump, International, Confed. of Wizards)

Chase read aloud, all the while both his parents smiling proudly at him. "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh! No way!" he jumped up and down with joy. "Awesome! We have to go today! Please please please?!" he asked, hoping to be able to go to Diagon Alley with his parents for the first time to get his school supplies since they only had a week to submit anyways. His parents laughed and nodded to each other. "Of course, we'll go right after lunch." And they did.

The days went by and soon enough, it was Sunday, May first. Chase, his father, and his dad stood in front of platform three and four quarters, Chase looking up at them nervously "A-are you one hundred percent sure it's not solid?" he asked, scared of running into the wall." His dad chuckled "I'm sure, come on now, you'll miss the train." he said, running ahead and going through the wall." His father smiled and held onto the trolley with all of Chase's school supplies on it, placing Chase's hand on it as well. "Together now,3..2..1..go!" he said, storming forward alongside his son and running through the wall. Chase shut his eyes tight as they made it through, opening them slowly to see Hogwarts express. He smiled brightly and walked closer with his parents, nearly all the students already on the train. "I guess this is goodbye, for now, Cheese." his father said, using the age-old nickname for Chase. Chase giggled and hugged his parents tightly "I'll see you for Christmas Father, Dad." he said, still smiling "I promise I'll write every weekend and I'll tell you everything that happens." he kissed them both on the cheek and waved goodbye before he nervously boarded the train, walking through, noticing all the cars but one were full. He walked in and saw a boy who was already in his yellow Hufflepuff robes. He looked to be about a year or two older than him. Maybe in his second year? He nervously knocked on the door to alert the boy of his presence. "H-hey? I'm Chase, What's your name?" He asked quietly as he walked inside and sat on the bench across from him.

Alastor and Chase,a Harry Potter storyWhere stories live. Discover now