Chapter 4

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 Alastor felt a stabbing pain in his left arm. 'No no no not right now. It can't be happening NOW! NOT WHEN I JUST GOT A BOYFRIEND?!' He was walking back from dinner with Chase. "What's wrong? Why do you look scared? What happened?" Chase asked frantically. Alastor tried to shrug it off "Nothing" he said hastily. "Well this is your stop" Alastor said as they reached the Ravenclaw common room. He gave Chase a small peck on the cheek as he started walking toward the Hufflepuff common room. When he was outside of eye range of Chase, he got apperated to the graveyard. His mom was standing there, absolutely disgusted, seeing his yellow robes, and being even more disgusted when she saw the multicolored print peeking out from under his robes."Take that off right now, put these on!" she said handing him black robes and a mask, "He is coming and you must be presentable!" One by one the others apparated into the graveyard each wearing a black robe and mask. They all stood in a circle waiting. Alastor quickly changed behind one of the large gravestones, leaving his rainbow robes to lay in the dirt, he'd get them back later. He just had to make it past this and he could go back to Chase and completely forget about it. Yeah. He hummed to himself softly, trying to calm down. "It'll be okay...just make it through..don't stand out." he muttered quietly. Suddenly the dark lord apparated in and looked around, smirking evilly. His eyes met Alastor's and he suddenly looked angry. He raised a finger and pointed at him. "This one...this one is..different." 'Crap crap crap crap CRAP!' Alastor looks up and stares him in the eye, knowing that if he didn't then he would be seen as weak. He didn't speak. "Well?! Say something boy! Why are you different? Hm? SPEAK!" Voldemort yelled at him, getting closer and aiming his wand at his chin. Tears came to Alastor's eyes and he spoke nervously. "I-I'm sorry! I-I..I don't know!" he said, clenching his jaw. Suddenly he heard a loud crack and he saw..Chase?! He apparated here! Alastor looked at him nervously, shaking his head as Voldemort turned around, his robes fluttering behind him. He walked up to the small boy and shook his head "Come to rescue your friend here? Hm? Or should I say...boyfriend?!" Voldemort growled and motioned his arm towards Alastor's mom, one of the head death eaters, and spoke under his breath. "Get rid of your boy, I'll take the other.NOW!" Alastor looked at his mother with fear in his eyes, willing her to not do it. She huffed and looked between the three,eventually raising her wand towards Alastor and mumbling quietly "Crucio." Alastor let out a soft cry,sounding somewhat like "Why?" before breaking into screams and falling to the floor, rabidly changing between human and bunny. Chase screamed out to him and ran to him, grabbing his arm and apparating them both back to the school before Voldemort could get to him.

Alastor woke up in his bed in the Hufflepuff dorm room, Chase sitting in a chair next to him, grasping his hand tightly. He sat up straight and looked at Chase nervously. "W-was it all a dream? Please tell me it was a dream..." he mumbled quietly, tears in his eyes from his mother betraying him and him putting his love in danger, just for being himself,the worst part is, he couldn't change himself. No matter how hard he had tried he'd always disappointed his family, and now it was affecting Chase. "It wasn't Al...I'm are okay now though, that's all that matters." Chase spoke softly, rubbing his knuckles with his thumb soothingly. "Its all my fault Chase...if I hadn't gotten this stupid mark...if I hadn't done any of this..he wouldn't know about us...he wouldn't know about you!" he said with wide, crazy eyes. "It is not your fault.It's no ones fault but hatred.We are fine,it's not our job to fight. I'm sorry this all happened but we can't dwell on it, we have to move need to go to Snape and talk to him about the mark...I know it's scary but he knows more about it than anyone. Chase gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before walking towards the door. "Get some rest and try not to think about it, okay Al?..I love you." he said with a small smile before walking out of the room to go to lunch, not having eaten anything since the graveyard incident three days prior.

Sorry for the short chapter but at least i finally posted! Right? Don't leave meh please, i KNOW its really late but the next chapter will be a thanksgiving-ish chapter/special. See ya.

Alastor and Chase,a Harry Potter storyWhere stories live. Discover now