Quite but loud,dry but wet. This was what Willows walk in the drizzle was.She had no problem with the rain but all her friends had already ran away from her. She Fount peace in the sound of the water hitting the ground, sometimes in a repeating pattern.she knew she was easy to catch cold but she still walked. She had gotten half way home but the rain be came heavy she was now cold a slightly wet. she stopped in her tracks for a second then sneezed catching her breath.
Ethan walked down the street one hand in his pocket and the other with the handle if an umbrella. He then found himself at a four way walkway,
He looked to his left and saw her, Willow,The girl voted the most nice girl In school he heard her sneeze and slowly made his way tword her until finally he stopped.
Willow bumped right into Him, she quickly looked up to say sorry but when she saw who it was she could only burst with worry she would mess up her chance to talk to him but all she could say was "Ethan"!!!!
He looked down at her and said "you want me to walk you home?"
She quickly shook her head in agreement.The walk was silent and Ethan felt bad about it. He was her classmate but he thought of nothing to say and Willow was just walking in panic she had never been alone with him she had a long term crush on him but he acted oblivious to all but watt, his best friend. He would spend his lunch with Watt, silently laughing and faintly smiling.
Ethan was quiet and wouldn't talk to most people. Willow was quite jelious over the fact that Eathan would often talk to her cousin Verdian rather than her. She would be with Verdian for majority of her school day and would find herself admist the twos conversations and she sometimes say things to him but she could only do it around Verdian if he was gone she wouldn't even come in contact with Ethan without her cousin.
She even once belived they were both dating at a time but Verdian quickly turned the idea down saying "Me!and Ethan. No no no he likes yo-". Verdian turned his head because he knew she was making a face. She started laughing saying yeah right whipping the tear from her eye, like anyone coukd like me.
Sorry for the first chapter being so short
I promise there going to get longerPs:Thanks for reading
My Silent Love
Romancethis is a story I made for a friend so it's ok if you don't like it.