3rd, 4th, 5th grade

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  Rainbow's point of view...

Sometimes I can get out of hand but luckily I have a friend named Soarin he keeps me you know under control and yeah. He also calms down Surprise sometimes and you know Surprise can be wild at times?! Well anyways we were sitting in the classroom and this was the first day of 3rd grade and we Well we told some boring stuff about ourself and yeah just pretty boring! 3rd grade is just learning stuff and knowing your crush's disgusting! So we were in the classroom end it was the last day of 3rd grade so we just started talking. Spitfire: Hey guys who are your crush's!" Me: I have nopony whatsoever!" Fleetfloot: What about Soarin!" She teased at me. By this point I felt like I was blushing! That's when I made an excuse. Me: Oh well look at the time see you all in Umm.... 4th grade!" Then in ran off.

Soarin point of view...

Dash was acting so weird she was like when Fleetfloot said that if she like me and well... she started blushing but still said no and she made an excuse. So then when she left Spitfire said "Ha Soarin you probably like her back!" She teased at me. Me: No I don't shut up Spitfire!" Fleetfloot: Ha don't you Spitfire love Wave Chill?!" Spitfire: Umm no I don't idiot!" Surprised Yeah you do!" Me: See you know how Dash is feeling right now!" Fleetfloot: Eee Don't care see ya in 4th grade!" And then they all left. I stayed at school looking around to try to find Rainbow Dash or you know I usually call her Dash. Then I found her... she was sitting in a corner of the school doing something: I stepped quietly close to her until she heard me and looked and me then smiled. For some reason she she was happy. Dash: Hi Soar!" Me: Hi dash what are you doing?" Dash: Promise me you won't call me any names?" Me: Promise." Dash: In reading.... but it's a comic!" Me: That's nice." I said then sat next to her. Dash: It calms me down... but now I actually need to go! Im going to be late to dinner!" Me: Well bye!" Dash: Bye!"

Dash POV...

Oh my Celestia I swear I kept my blush in and I'm so glad school is over! When I got home and you know have dinner. I could not get my mind off Soarin it's just stuck with me! Whatever I'm going to enjoy summer break and go back to school happy!

3 months later...

It's was the starting of 4th grade and we all got back from summer break and so 3rd grade was literally like 4th grade! (So let's skip 4th grade you know and go to 5th grade!) And so here we are at 5th grade are last years here at elementary!

No ones Point of view...

All the ponies gathered to the classroom. The teacher then said "Hello class and welcome to 5th grade and my name is Ms. Rise." Dash: I have a question why are there unicorns and earth ponies in the classroom?" Rise: Well in 5th grade we all try to prepare you to meet new kinds of species like unicorns and earth ponies. Great question Rainbow Dash." Dash: Oh you know my name awesome I'm actually popular!" Rise twitched her eye a bit already knowing she was going to have a weird class. And I will describe all the personalities of my friends. First Fleetfloot is sassy. Wave Chill is chill (Obviously). Surprise is energetic. High Winds is sneaky. Rapidfire is daring like he will dare us a big DARE! Soarin is calm and you know... keeps me under control. And I'm Dash so I'll have to admit I'm bragger. So we all have somewhat good personalities I don't know! Rise: Ok umm class we all are telling our names like kindergarten even though you are in 5th grade now." Spitfire: My name is Spitfire ima blow my whistle!" She said then blew her whistle which everypony covered their ears. Rise: Nice hehe Spitfire.... Next." Wave: Hey guys my name is Wwwaaavvveee Cccchhhiiill." He said very long like. Rise: Yes yes ok next." She said uneasy. Fleetfloot: Hey guys my name is like Fleetfloot oh my gosh!" She said in a sassy tone. Rise: (Coughs) Next..." Rapidfire: Hey guys my name is Rapidfire and I dare all of you to break a rule in school!!!" He screamed. Rise: That's not necessary Rapid now umm.... next!" High Winds: Hi ponies let's do some spying on the teacher." She said quietly to the others. Rise: Umm I did not quite here that High Winds? Say that again?" High Winds: Sorry! Top secret!" She said making a mischievous face. Rise: Alright next!" Surprise: H-H-Hii!!!!!!!!!!!! My name is SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She said bouncing crazy like. Rise: That's enough Surprise next!" Soarin: Hi! My name is Soarin...." He was stopped by strangling me from writing something inappropriate on the board until he said biting my tail. Soarin: And I keep Rainbow out of trouble!" He said still biting my tail. Rise: That's (Coughs) nice... NEXT!" Me Rainbow said "Hi my name is Rainbow dash dash rainbow bow rain dash bow rain dash dash rainbow rain dash bow... awesome 20% mare in the world!!!" I said Bragg like. Rise: Ok well NEXT!" Then the rest of the boring unicorns and earth ponies said their names. 5th grade was awesome I actually said secretly to High Winds that Wave Chill likes Spitfire!!! Hahah so funny 🤣!!! And one time Soarin beat me in a race and I was like what!!!! Wait what!!! That did NOT happen!!" We all had a great time and things could not get any better when we were ALL going to the same Middle school!!! Middle school might even be better. But number one thing to myself! I don't like Soarin... or maybe I do but whatever I'm more focused on my beautiful self!!! New adventures await me!

Sorry for the long wait I've been doing my other two books which are "The Investigators" and "Soarin to the Rainbow (Steampunk Times)" so enjoy this one!

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