High School Grade 10

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Soarin: Umm what time is it?" He said getting up noticing he was on a cloud. Soarin: What! How did I get here!" Dash: Hugh?" She said getting up lazily. Fleetfloot: Hmmm?" Wave: I- Oh man! We are on a cloud! How- how did we get here!" Dash: I-I Don't know!" Spitfire: What is all the screaming about." Soarin: Don't you notice we are going to be late to school!" Dash: High school to be exact! Shoot! Fuck!" Spitfire: Let's get the fuck out of here and leave!" Soarin: Shit! We are gonna be late! Look at the time!" Dash: Shit!" They busted out of the cloud and flew out to school were all the students kept on staring at them. But in a nice way like they were the center of attention. When they got to class the teacher said something terrifying. Teacher: Class raise your hand if you are a Pegasi!" The team raised their hand. Teacher: Raise your hand if you are a unicorn!" He said strictly. The unicorns raised their hands. Teacher: Raise your hand if you are an earth pony!" Pinkie and few other raised their hands. Teacher: Well I will teach you as much as I can in a few days we have." Dash: Why a- a few days?" She said shaky next to Soarin and the rest. Teacher: Because war will happen!" He said carefully stomping one hoof in front of everypony. Some ponies started crying. Some fainted. Some ran out. Some stayed still. And some kissed their loved ones. Rainbow sat and stayed still the some others unable to cry, faint, run out, or kiss. It was high school and it was very terrifying. Dash: This cannot be happening!" Soarin: Why this?!" Then... guns shot from outside and armies ran passed the schools already. At first Dash just thought it was a shooting. But then now.... the war is happening. They learned everyday the best they could then on the last day they stared in front of one another and cried.... yes.... cried. Dash: Why this." They hugged one another before they left. Dash: Bye Soarin." She said hugging him for a first time almost and then... they left off. Years past and Rainbow joined the war when it started....

(For now)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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