Chapter 11

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Violently, the ball began to shake on Tanjiro's sword. You two watched it, bewildered with it's movements. Quickly, the ball hit Tanjiro's forehead before sliding off of his sword unnaturally. You watched as it went back to the demon with eyes of incredulity, 'None of this makes sense...' You commented internally,

'None of this makes any fucking sense!'

On to Chapter 11!

"Yushiro!" You heard Tamayo call as she held the headless body of Yushiro. You and the wine-eyed boy turned to look at the two of them, curious but also nervous if he was going to respond. You watched for a moment before his head gradually began to grow back. Small nerves regrew at an exponential speed as his face began to be rebuilt. Quickly, his lower, bottom jaw and tongue already grew back which made your stomach churn out of disgust. You turned your head away to not look, since it was basically nightmare fuel. 

But your ears suddenly picked up his voice; his voice was filled with anger and a tone of 'I-told-you-so'. You listened as he exclaimed how he and Tamayo shouldn't have gotten involved with the two of you 'demon-hunters' from the very start. You merely huffed at his words and tuned out the rest of whatever he was saying. 

You maintained your sights on the orange demon as she took off the top of her haori and kimono. You had to admit though, you were really nervous that you were going to see something that you didn't intend on seeing. Luckily, her chest was wrapped in a black cloth. Preparing your body and sword once more, you awaited for an attack as you watched four more arms appear from the sides of her chest. 'Fucking, I just saw one demon regrow half of his head and now I'm seeing a demon grow more arms! This sounds like some kind of hellish fever dream!' You merely grunted with an undetermined emotion as Tanjiro himself gasped at the sight.

And now with a Temari in each of her hands, she stared directly at you and Tanjiro with crazed eyes, "Now then, let's keep playing! Until morning comes!" Her voice devoid of any care and safety. Throwing the balls with all her might, "Until you die!" With flying balls now going in different directions inside the room, you and Tanjiro dodged them left and right. However, you were having more trouble dodging each and every ball due to sleep deprivation, which led to one of the balls slicing your haori near your shoulder. You clicked your tongue in annoyance as you made a dummy slash to make the ball swerve before finally making a direct slash. 

You heard two large smacks from behind you, and could see both Yushiro and Tamayo's heads now have gaping holes in the back of them. You internally freaked out once you saw their now morphed heads, but suppressed your emotions so that you didn't freak out in the middle of fighting. Dodging left and right but also withstanding a few grazes from the Temari's, you heard Yushiro trying to grab yours and Tanjiro's attention. "Oi! You moron demon hunters! If you look at the arrows, you can tell which direction they're going! Just dodge the arrows!" Slicing a Temari in half horizontally, you yelled back, "Who are you calling morons, dumbass!? And what arrows?!" Irritation bubbling within you as you had to keep dodging and either deflecting or slicing the Temari's while none of them were going after your friend. 

Your mind was now concentrated on the now faster moving Temari's, 'What the hell?! They're suddenly picking up speed!' Jumping back to go deeper within the dark, destroyed room. Never noticing the two small papers that Yushiro threw to both you and Tanjiro, the arrows suddenly appeared. "Woah!" You said aloud completely surprised. 

[DISCONTINUED] The Art of Destruction || A Kimetsu No Yaiba x (F)Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now