A New Life

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Ten months ago

Nevaeh's POV

"We're going to get this job, I promise I'll be able to provide for you." I said softly placing my hands on my belly as I took in my reflection through my compact mirror.

Despite having changed my look over two months ago, every time I looked in a mirror it felt like I was looking at a stranger. My once blonde hair was now red, I had loosely curled it for today's interview. My natural blue eyes were hidden behind my color contacts, making them appear brown.

I sighed softly and tried to snap myself out of it, there was no point in thinking about the past. It was time to focus on my future, our future.

"This might not be a noble profession and hopefully by the time you're old enough to walk mommy will no longer be in this business but it's all I know. Money's tight and I got to be ready for you." I said softly speaking to my unborn child.

After making a rash but necessary decision to leave my old life behind, I not only changed my image completely but I also sold my place of business. My club in Cincinnati, Sugar and Spice. I needed the money in order to buy my way out of the WWE contract I signed. Thankfully Vince took the money, no questions asked. However, after paying out my contract I had very little money to live off which is why I was here at one of the most prestigious strip clubs in Las Vegas.

Thankfully, I hadn't grown a baby bump yet so that wouldn't be a problem. I just needed to work a couple of months to save up some money to buy the necessities for my newborn then I'd go from there. One day at a time, that's what I always told myself.

I took a deep breath then stepped out of my car. I was currently wearing a black crop top, a mini red leather skirt and black high heels. My lipstick was red but the rest of my make up was very natural just highlighting my natural beauty.

I walked into the club and headed to the bar then got the attention of one of the workers." Hi, my name is Rose. I have an interview with Pablo today." I said with a warm smile. Oh yeah, I should probably mention I changed my name. Not legally of course, but I was now going by my middle name.

"Oh yeah, Pablo mentioned you'd be coming today. Go ahead and take a seat, I'll get him." The woman said.

"Thank you." I replied politely and took a seat at the bar, then scanned the place. It was definitely a more upscale strip club which was good because that meant richer clients and more money. As I was watching a girl perform I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to find a man I assumed was Pablo.

"Hello, you must be Rose. My name is Pablo. Are you ready for your interview?" Pablo asked and I nodded.

"Excellent, you can go ahead and change in the back. Then you'll be performing. If the crowd is into you, then you got the job." Pablo explained and I nodded as it was the same hiring process I used for my girls when I ran my club.

"Come on I'll show you to the back." The girl from earlier offered and I followed her." My names Anastasia by the way." Anastasia added.

"Nice to meet you Anastasia." I said as she led me backstage where other girls were getting ready to perform.

"Good luck, Rose." Anastasia said then walked off.

"Luck is for losers." I mumbled to myself as I took off my crop top and skirt, leaving me in a red lace bra and pantie set, that went well with my red hair.

Despite being pregnant my body was still in top shape, my abs were showing, my boobs had gotten bigger during the pregnancy and filled my DD cups to the brim.

I set my clothes aside then walked over to where the curtain was and took a deep breath as it was my turn next.

"Making her way to the stage for the first time ever here at Landing strip; Rose." The announcer said and I slowly made way onto the stage. I walked in a slow but seductive manner, immediately I felt all eyes on me. I faced away from the audience, then began shaking my ass to the rhythm of the song playing which was Hips don't lie by Shakira. I then made my way to the pole and began seductively swinging on it, I then hooked my leg around the pole and hung upside down before flashing the crowd.

Immediately tons of bills began flying onstage. I finished my routine out with a few more fancy pole tricks then the song ended. I collected the money from the stage which was easily over $500, then hopped down as the owner walked over.

"That was very impressive, Rose. The job is yours." Pablo said and shook my hand." You start Monday." He added then walked off as I sighed in relief. I finally had a job, everything was coming together.

Dean's POV

Two months, two fucking months today. That's how long it's been since Nevaeh had run off without a trace.

Never would I ever have guessed in a million years, that I'd be so hung up on some girl. But that was the thing, she wasn't just some girl. I tried to forget her every way I knew how. I drank, I had casual flings, and hell I even did drugs for the first time in forever to try and forget. However nothing helped, well almost nothing.

Jonathan was the one thing in this world that was keeping me sane. If it wasn't for my son, I probably would've went on a bender but I knew he needed me.

I looked down at him as he had fallen asleep on my chest, which meant I was trapped for the time being. I learned the hard way not to move when he was sleeping on me.

"I really hope I don't fuck you up." I said softly while looking at him." I'm really trying not to." I mumbled then softly sighed.

"You know you'll have a half sibling in a few months little dude. Then you won't just be stuck with me for company.." I said as I was determined to find Nevaeh and my other child.

If she really thought I'd stop chasing her, she was wrong. However, I had to admit she was doing one hell of a job hiding. Not a single fan has seen her or snapped a picture of her since she disappeared into thin air.

I had gone last week to her club in our hometown, only to find out she had sold it. I asked Natalie if she could give me any information on Nevaeh's whereabouts but she said she couldn't even if she wanted to. The new owner of the club had sent the payment directly to Nevaeh's bank account meaning there was no paper trail.

All I knew was that she had bought out her WWE contract last month as Vince told me. But that was all the information he disclosed to me. I was at a dead end it seemed but I'd never give up hope.

Just as I was about to take a nap with Jonathan, Paige walked in and woke up the baby when she dropped her shopping bags on the ground.

"Great, he was finally asleep. Here you take him." I said annoyed carefully handing Jonathan to Paige then stormed off. Paige and I shared custody of Jonathan, however we weren't together. Truth be told I blamed her for Nevaeh running off and I'd never forgive her for that. However, I'd never take Jonathan away from his mother. He deserved both parents.

Authors Note:Comments and votes are greatly appreciated. This is my first time writing a sequel and I'm very nervous how it'll do. But I hope you all enjoy it!

Also Cover credit to cosmicstvr ! Thank you so much!

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