Back to Square One

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Seth's POV

I had just finished my meeting with Vince, after alot of back and forth, with a lot of pleading on my end. He agreed to rehire Nevaeh but on one condition that Dean wasn't going to be happy about. Honestly I wasn't to thrilled about it myself.

Vince has been wanting to do a Shield reunion for months. Now was the perfect opportunity to force us into it since I was asking him for a huge favor. So on Monday we'd be reuniting as the Shield with Neveah as our monarch once again.

So it would be as if nothing changed for her, which is what we were instructed to do. The only painful thing was that we'd have to let Roman near her again. Of course, we weren't going to leave her alone with him at anytime but we also weren't going to tell Roman about her memory less. We figured he'd just think she had given him a second chance, which would make him think he was still on thin ice.

Speaking of the devil, Roman was walking straight towards me." Are you guys trying to play some sort of game with me?" Roman asked raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I responded as I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Nevaeh just texted me out of the blue for the first time in over a year. Talking about how she missed me and wanted to see me." Roman explained.

"Yeah, she's decided to give you a second chance but you're on thin ice. She may be willing to give you a second chance but myself and Dean aren't as forgiving. Just remember that." I said glaring at him." Speaking of which, we're reuniting as the shield on Monday. I'd tell you to get ready but you still use our music and dress in basically the same gear so." I said with a shrug.

"Wait what?!" Roman asked seeming even more confused.

"Nevaeh is coming back. In order to convince Vince to rehire her, I had to agree to us being the shield again and since you owe us. I agreed for all of us." I said rolling my eyes." So hurry up, we got a plane to catch to go to Nevaeh." I mumbled not at all looking forward to this.

Three hours later

Nevaeh's POV

Dean had knocked out with me in his arms, which was fine since Hope was fast asleep as well meaning I could just lay here.

I did however find it funny that even in his sleep I turned Dean on, then again it could be because my ass was right against his dick. Oops?

I tried to move to adjust myself but Dean just held me tighter against him causing me to softly laugh.

I figured I may as well rest more since everyone was asleep, however just as I closed my eyes. I felt Dean's fingers playing with my clit.

"Mmm Dean, stop." I mumbled and turned to look at him but he was still asleep, in fact he was literally snoring.

He continued stimulating my clit, slowly beginning to turn me on. I tried to move away from him but he wouldn't let me. This continued for a good minute before he suddenly stopped and rolled over, letting me go but leaving me turned on in the process.

"Asshole." I mumbled to his sleeping body and just as I was planning to get him back, Hope awoke and began crying which also woke up Dean surprisingly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." Dean said half asleep and picked Hope up carefully then laid back in bed and laid her on his chest." Shhh sleepy time little sweetheart." He said holding her up so she couldn't roll off his chest. Then glanced over at me." Why do you look like you wanna kill me yet also..." He paused and covered Hope's ears." Fuck me." Then uncovered her ears as she was now calm and peacefully laying ontop of him.

"No reason." I replied innocently.

"So you aren't denying either of those things?" Dean asked with a slight smirk.

"No comment." I replied laying back beside him and Hope. Knowing he wouldn't try anything while Hope was awake.

"You're so lucky there's a child in our presence, sweetheart. Or else I'd see just how turned on you are for me." Dean said with a wink.

"Or I could just be lying to save your precious ego, ever think of that babe?" I asked with a smirk as Hope was having fun rolling back and forth on Dean's chest, his arms catching her on both sides.

"Nope never crossed my mind sweetheart. Afterall we both know how much I turn you on." He countered.

"Do we though?" I teased as Hope tried to sit up by herself but hadn't quite mastered this yet, so Dean helped hold her up and I snuggled into Dean as Hope looked at both of us innocently when suddenly both Seth and Roman entered the room.

"Ro'!" I said happily immediately jumping out of bed and jumping onto him, he immediately wrapped his arms around me and laughed holding me up.

"Miss me?" Roman asked.

"Maybe but you're still an asshole for not coming to see me sooner!" I said punching his arm hard.

"I'm sorry babygirl." Roman said and kissed my forehead." I won't leave you again okay?" He said with a warm smile.

"You better not or else I'll find you and kill you." I said innocently then kissed Roman softly which he seemed surprised by nevertheless kissed me back.

Seth's POV

It hurt me in more ways than I could explain seeing Nevaeh still in love with Roman. It wasn't her fault though, she didn't remember the pain he put her through. However no matter how many times I told myself that, it didn't make it an easier. The woman I've loved since I first laid eyes on, had finally said that she loved me. We were finally happy and here were back to square one. The only good thing I had going for me was that Hope still remembered me.

I mentally sighed heavily then walked over to where Dean was who looked confused as hell as to why Roman was here but could tell I was hurting and handed me Hope carefully without any questions.

"I love you, little one. Always remember that. You're what's keeping me sane." I whispered and held her close, focusing on her as she cooed in happiness. I guess all that truly mattered was Hope and Nevaeh were happy. Even if it didn't include me.

Hope's POV

"Goo gooo gah goooo gah." I said happily filled with glee as I snuggled into dada wanting to make him happy because he seemed sad.

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