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Zoe gave out a laugh, slowly turning insane, mindlessly wandering around an empty forest. "I've been walking for hours in this really messed up forest..." she looking around her.

"Wait a minute...I've seen this tree before, haven't I? her eyes grew wide. Touching the trunk of the tree "It is..." she sat down from her spot then started wailing loudly.

"WHERE AM I?! I'VE BEEN WALKING IN CIRCLES IN THIS DAMNED FOREST AND I HAVEN'T GOT NOWHERE IN THIS TARNATION-!" Zoe threw a fit, punching the air. Gladly, no one was there watching her slowly and surely turning into a maniac, or was it?

"Why is even there one sign? ONE.FRICKING.SIGN TO THE CAMP! Now I'm stuck in this hell hole!" Truth to be told, even though she likes taking adventures, Zoe is clearly bad at directions.

It took her couple minute to throw all the fit she's holding in and to calm her down. After throwing all that fit, the noise that was left behind are the Cicadas, the rustling tree leaves and the howling wind. Zoe then realized she's all alone in the woods, no where to take shelter and find the camp, 

"This is my life now..." She thought to herself, staring at the blue sky and the birds passing by. She took out her luggage taking the small bag inside that she didn't remembered bringing. As she opened the bag to see the contents inside, she saw her phone, charger, her lucky pendant and also a note with it.

"Don't forget this now...I will keep in touch" was read in the note along side with a smiley face and the word, mom. 

"Why did you have to bring this too with me mom?" she smiled as a tear started forming in her eye. As soon as she realized, she wiped the tear from her eyes, then stood up "This is not who I am! I'm Zoe for goodness sake! I'm stronger than this! I'm an independent woman! I can fight through all evil!" She placed the bag inside her luggage then closed it off. 

"Thanks mom for giving me the strength I need, now, where is the path to the camp?" she took out the letter but a strong gush of wind blew it away

"Hey! Come back!" Zoe sprinted towards the way where the letter was blown off. She finally got hold of the letter, now realizing that she's lost and left her luggage behind. "I should get back to my bag, someone might take it..." she thought to herself.

"Huh? Where's the letter?" she noticed that half of the contents of the letter is missing, no matter how she turn it, all its left is capitalized letters that she didn't saw from her note. "I wondered what this reads though" she said to herself.

Zoe reads the letters from her letter "Dear Zoella, Ignore this letter? Do not respond or come to this summer camp at all cost?? What the heck is in this letter?!" she questioned herself "If...you...want to LIVE?!" 

Life has drained out of her as soon as she decoded the message, her heart suddenly started to beat quickly. Zoe skimmed to it again, this time, a new text appeared from the bottom of the letter "Warning, if this text appears to be clear or readable, RUN?!" 

A sudden earthquake appeared that shook the whole forest. The birds flying away from the trees and the rocks started to rumble. "An earthquake?! And it is quite huge!!" Zoe fell back from that intense earthquake. Moments later, the earthquake stopped, leaving Zoe frozen and stuck from her place. 

A sudden burst of shocking and eerie sound was heard from afar that alerted her. Big movements that felt like stomps suddenly grew closer and closer to her. A large shadow covered Zoe, as she slowly looked back at her, a humungous terrifying creature made out of earth with trees behind its back and a  2 luminous green stones which looks like its eyes, surprised her. 

Zoe trembles in fear "This is all just a dream...this is all just a dream" she muttered to herself.

The creature threw a large tree log that almost hit her. As soon it created a really loud and terrifying noise, Zoe moved up and sprinted away from her position. The creature then started chasing her across the woods. 

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" Zoe's scream echoed across the forest but no one heard her cries, there are also no cars passing the forest to see that humungous creature Zoe was seeing. She continued screaming and running with her adrenaline rush helping her. She managed to duck every single large thing that monster threw. 

 Her heart thumped loudly and loudly, she didn't matter where she's heading to, nor her luggage that was left in the middle of the woods, the only thing she had in mind is to get away from the forest, away from that terrifying creature. 

It lost her tracks that she managed to stay hidden in a large boulder that fits her perfectly. Zoe took quick and quiet breaths, hoping not to reveal her location from that creature. "Zoe wake up! Wake up!" she said to herself while pinching her arm. A sudden string of pain was felt in the spot where Zoe pinched "Wait a minute...this isn't a dream?!" 

She felt that the bolder suddenly was carried up, the monster found her which made Zoe frightened more. As it threw the rock away from her, Zoe began to run away from it, with tears streaming down her eyes. 

As she was running, a root that was sticking from the ground caught her foot, tripping on the ground and hitting her head loudly on a large and sharp stone in front of her. A warm fluid suddenly streamed on the side of her face, Zoe weakly reached her face and saw blood covering the tip of her head. This grew her anxiousness more. She tried getting up but another sharp pain was felt in her ankle. She twisted it from the way she fell from the ground.

It then hit her. She's about to die in blood loss. She's going to die helplessly in the middle of the forest in hopes of finding the camp site, which won't be possible anymore. As her vision grew dark, she imagined herself being spotted in the middle of the woods, her death broadcasted in the national news, her parents heartbroken and mourning for the death of their only child, her mum hating on her aunt forever, her friends and everyone who knew her surprised for her sudden death. 

She don't want to end to that, she want to be with her parents more, with her aunt and her best friend, she want to live again. She gathered every inch of strength that she has in order to get away but every time she moves from her place, the agonizing pain from her sprained foot was felt. She collapsed at the ground, unable to move anymore, still fighting the urge to drift away. 

Every minute felt like hell and she wanted to end it all.

End it all...

"End it all? What am I saying? I-I have to" she tried moving but she doesn't have the energy to do so, the only thing she felt is the pain in her ankle, and the continuous stream of blood from her head. 

"Huh...this is what I didn't expect how my life to end, how helpless"  she chuckled and took a deep sigh "No one will ever believe that I was being chased by this terrifying thing" She felt a lump on her throat 

The monster's voice and its steps grew larger and larger until she can see it in front of her

"Go ahead...end my life, I won't mind about it, in fact, I'm dying anyways" she said under her breath then chuckled.

The monster picked her up from the ground. She can still feel the pain from her ankle but she can't bear to open her eyes anymore. 

"Mom...dad...Mau...I'm sorry..." Zoe's vision darken and darken until she lose her consciousness completely. 

Zoe didn't know what will happened to her and never cared. She a goner and nothing else matters to her now.

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