Chapter 11

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I'm so happy today

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I'm so happy today. Today is definitely gonna be a good day. I mean, imma get my sexy ass cook back. Yesterday, seeing stupid ass Sean give Luna his number ignited something in me. No way were they gonna start keeping in touch. I found myself swallowing my pride, therefore I followed Luna home. Trailing behind her taxi. Trying as much as possible to go unnoticed.
Seeing her yesterday, she was teasing a nigga in those clothes. Damn, she was looking like a treat. She had a cute, small, girly apartment too. This was the first time I had been to her place.
But I'm glad she dropped her attitude and agreed to comeback. But then she's asking for a come back present. Honestly I don't know what to get her. Women like too much stuff this days. A nigga just can't keep up.

Finishing my morning workout, I eat some breakfast I ordered. I still want Luna's cooking. That girl is just so blessed.

As I ate in silence, I reminisce on how I was able to retrieve Sean's number from Luna's purse. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. This nigga thinks he's slick, he don't know the half of it. I got it from her purse and ensued I threw it in my trashcan once I got home. She wouldn't be having anything to do with Sean and vise versa.

I'm about to head into the shower, but before that, I decide to call Tania.
"What? "
"The disrespect you been giving me girl, don't think I won't whoop your ass "
"Whatever. What is is Jamari? " I pause before I respond.
"Uhm, I kinda went over to Luna's yesterday. After seeing her new lame ass job. I might have apologized. But the thing is, she wants a come back gift before she can resume working as my cook" Tania gasped and I knew she was smiling.
"Yes! Oh finally, you got some sense! "
I rolled my eyes at her annoying excitement.
"Lil girl you were the one who was telling on me. But grandma kinda spoke to me. You still have a big mouth tho"
Tania smacked her mouth before scoffing at my statement.
"Whatever boy. I'm glad you did that tho. Did you guys get touchy? "
Why is this girl do excited about my sex life, especially with Luna.
"It ain't none of your business. Focus on your dumb ass boyfriend "
"My man isn't dumb. My brother is" she can't be serious right now.
"Whatever. I need you to come help me get Luna a come back present. You know her better than I do."
"I like the sound of that. Well anything to bring you and Luna together again brother " Tania sang the last words.
"I'd come pick you up by 1pm. Be ready"
"Bring some fries on your way. MacDonald please. " with that said, she hung up. This girl always wants something from me. But what can I do? I'm stuck being her big brother for life.

I has finally arrived at Rameek and Tania's crib. I walked in and met Rameek on his couch having breakfast.
"Sup man. "
"Hey bruh what's good" he got up as we dapped each other.
"Heard you won your woman back"
"I ain't got no woman. O got my personal cook back" he nodded and I felt the sarcasm in his nod.
"Where are my fries? " Tania said as she came down the stairs. She walked towards me and pecked my cheek.

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