Chapter 12

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"Girl your life is filled with so much drama." Mama Brenda laughed as she took a bite of her waffles. We were having a late breakfast together.
"I know right" I giggled. Taking a sip from my orange juice I watched mama Brenda sit and eat looking pretty. She was the only mother figure I knew. She was always there when I needed someone to talk to. She was everything I wanted in a mom. I admired her until my eyes landed on the rock on her finger.
What is going on?
"Is that a ring on your finger mama? " I asked squinting my eyes at mama B. I watched her blush shyly.
"Oops. We've been caught Kirk" she said, as if my dad was there with us.
"You old niggas gotta be kidding me! " I was really surprised. They got engaged right under my nose.
"Oh come on Lu we were definitely gonna tell you. We just needed to find the right time to do so baby girl."
My father makes moves without even giving a hint. I didn't even know how to react to all of it. I mean don't get me wrong. I love them together and all but they'd be getting on my nerves with their slick moves.
"You guys..." I dragged rubbing on my forehead.
"When did this happen? "
"Uhm well, you know. After some amazing rounds of sex i guess he just had to wife me that night" mama Brenda said. Too raw for my liking. Gross.
"Oh gosh you shouldn't be telling me whether or not you and my dad had sex. Come on mama".
"Child shut up. You don't know how if feels when you make love to someone you love, who loves you too. Its beautiful in ways ones mind-"
"Alright mama. I get you. You guys just piss me off" I rolled my eyes at her as she laughed.
"You and your boss have potential to have an amazing relationship and make babies"
"Mama! " I stale faced her as she laughed deeply, placing her hand on her chest. This woman tho.
"He is my boss mama. BOSS." I spelt it out to her as she only shook her head at me.
"Whatever you say child. There's just a way you always lament about his attitude and I find that hella cute. " she winked at me. She's such a sly fox.
"Mama. Stop talking like this. Jamari hates my guts, not as much as I hate his tho. We like to argue a lot. He's extremely bipolar. Today he wants to be nice, tomorrow he wants to be a dick." saying all that just makes me think of how much of a bipolar person Jamari is.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt mama Brenda starring hard at me.
"What is it mama?"
"Luna listen to me. When was the last time you were in a relationship?"
"Uhm 2 years now. Why? "
"How was your last relationship?"
"Ughh. Roman and I had a terrible relationship. He had so many dreams he'd love to talk about but he would never make a move. He was a purposeless fool mama. "
Mama Brenda smirked and reclined on her seat.
"I see. How was the sex? " I choked on my juice hearing that question.
"Please stop acting like we're not adults Luna. Spill it girl"
"Fine. The sex was shameful. It lacked sugar, spice and everything nice". Hearing mama B burst into laughing made me unable to hold mine.
"Oh lord. And what made you break up."
"Well, apart from the unexcited nature of the relationship. Roman had an issue with infidelity." I smacked my lips at the thought of how much of a disgusting cheat Roman was.
"Well his loss" I giggled at mama Brenda's statement.
"Well listen here child. Most times, you can't say where the love you desire would come from . Just be open darling." I hope she's not referring to Jamari's dumb ass again.
"I hear you mama".

Mama B had left for home to stay with her "fiance" and now I was shopping with Pamela. I don't have to go to work until dinner time. Jamari isn't gonna be home till then. As usual, Pamela was talking non stop about Xavier. Her ass is whipped.

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