Chapter 1 : Captain, Oh My Captain

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Disclaimer: I do not own Frozen

or Rise of The Guardians.

Quick note before I begin; all the

Guardians are in this but they

are not Guardians. They are

humans and none of them have powers.

Chapter 1: Captain, Oh My


Elsa was sitting on her throne. Her

hands grazed the wooden edges of

her armrests. She was dressed in

her ice dress and she had her legs

crossed. In front of her dressed in

shining silver armour with a light

blue cape which was attached to

his breastplate, was a man about

her own age with silvery blonde

hair and sparkling blue eyes. He

was kneeling down in front of her

with his head bowed low.

Elsa leaned forward with her elbow

rest on her knee and her hand

resting on her open palm. She

stared at the man with great

interest. There did seem to be

something alluring about him

which was something Elsa couldn't

put her finger on. Was it his bright

eyes which made her loose herself

in them? Was it the way he smiled

which made her feel all tingly

inside? Elsa soon snapped herself

out of these thoughts. She sat up


"So your name is Sir Jackson

Frost?" she asked.

"Yes, your majesty," Jackson


"And you wish to be my captain of

my personal guard?"

"Yes, my Queen."

Elsa leaned back in her throne. She

examined Sir Jackson even further.

He did seem interesting and well

qualified. Her advisors had advised

her on his potential and abilities.

"Alright," Elsa said after a moment

of silence.

She could practically feel the grin

that was forming on his face. She

could tell that he was resisting the

urge to let out a cheer.

"Thank you, your majesty," Jackson

said bowing his head even lower.

Jackson stood up and he smiled at

Elsa. Jackson gave a small bow to

Elsa before he turned on his knee

and marched out of the room. Elsa

gazed after him. She figured that

life would be quite interesting with

him around.


Hello JelsaNatics,
This is my first story book of Jelsa.  I really really love them.

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- LovelyAuthor

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