Chapter 2: Special People

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"And what would you like to get miss?" The waiter looked at me, waiting for a response.

      I look at him and go to answer him back. "May I have an espresso and," I paused, thinking of what else I wanted. "And that's it, thank you." I smile at him and give him my menu and Matthew gave his to him also.

     "All right, I'll be back with your things in a few minutes." We nodded our heads and he went off.

     "So," Matthew started off with.


     "Got any special people in your life, hmmm?" He raised his eyebrows.

     I chuckle. "Very funny, but no I don't right now." I signed, thinking of a connection with someone. How pleasant and admirable it would be, just him and me, together. "But I should be asking you that question." I grin.

     "I-well um." He stuttered a bit before he actually said what he wanted to. "I do actually. " 

     My eyebrows shoot up, "WHAT?" I whisper scream it, "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME? WE'VE BEEN FRIENDS FOR 5 YEARS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?"  

     "I never knew you were this invested in my love life." He snickered. 

     "Are you joking?" I look at him and get on with my sentence. "I've always wanted to see you with someone, it would make me so happy I'd cry." I pretend to sniffle. "So are you going to tell me about him or not?"

     "Yes, I will." He said smirking. "His eyes are as green as an emerald." He takes a moment to think and goes on. "His hair is like a dark auburn and his nose isn't too big or too small, its perfect." 

     I giggle, "Go on."

     "His face is in a diamond shape and his lips are plump and full." He could not stop smiling.

     "Matthew you don't know how happy I am." I grabbed him hand. "When should I start planning the wedding," I joked.

     "Hmmm, around April, we'll have a spring wedding in the flower field." He laughed.

     "Perfect." My smile couldn't go down, I was just so happy for him.

     The waiter returns. He puts the tray with our items on a little table next to him. He picks up a cup. "An espresso," He placed down the scolding hot cup in front of me with a little lemon piece next to it on the plate. He then grabs Matthews food. "Waffles with chocolate syrup and whip cream." He set it in front of Matthew. "And thats it right?" He chuckles.

     "Yes, thats it, thank you." I gave him a smile. He smiled back and picked up the tray and went to another table.

     "I miss him." Matthew stabs his waffles.

     "Tell me more about him without stabbing your waffles please." I say trying to not laugh.

     "What do you want to know?" He asks.

     "Like when did you meet? Or where? Or maybe his name?" I say back

     "Well, we met in a bar about 3 months ago I'd say." He replies. "We hit it off instantly, it was magical, and his name is Garrett"

      Then I thought of something. "I have an idea, give me your phone." I tell him.

     "What Why? I know what you're going to do." He said holding his phone back.

     "Its nothing bad, I'll show you it before I send it." 

     "So you are going to send something." 

     "Yes, now give it to me." 

     "Fine, but show it to me after you type it." He says a little unsure.

     "I will, don't worry."

     He hands his phone to me. The black cracked screen lit up. 

     Cute boy

     Hey you coming tn?

     "Is his name on your phone cute boy?" I ask him.

     "Yes, Why?" He looked concerned.

     "And are you supposed to be going somewhere tonight?" I smirk.

     "What do you mean?" He grabs the phone out of my hands. "Oh my god, oh my god, he wants me to go somewhere with him!" His face turned the littlest shade of pink.

      "Yes, he does, now say, 'Okay I'll go with you'." Putting up air quotes.

      "Yes, you're right." He quickly opened up his phone and started frantically typing.

      "Now you don't need my plan." I chuckle.

      "Was that your plan? Telling him to go out with me?" Matthew asks.

      "Yep." I say blankly.

      "You're so kind." He signs and puts his hands under his chin as his blonde hair falls in front of his eyes.

       I laugh. "In my dreams." 

       "Ugh why can't you just believe me, you're so kind and loving. Something that I aspire to be."

      "Haha, great joke." I roll my eyes taking a sip from my espresso now that its cooled off. Matthew laughs and eats the rest of his waffles. At the end we just have a causal conversation about and work and family life. We get up to pay the bill while leaving a tip.

     Retreating our way back to the office, Matthew says something that struck my attention.

     "Now we need to find you a guy." He turns his head towards me.

     I look up at him. "Yes, that would be nice I say, but I also want to see where life takes me. If I ever find true love instead of going on an app because i'm desperate and need someone now." I finish off but I wasn't exactly done. "How you met Garrett for example. You met in a bar got to know each other and now you're here. That is literally love instead of this phone stuff nowadays where people go on the first date and have sex. I don't need that. I need real love." 

     He smiles. "Don't worry, you'll find someone and it will be real love. I was also maybe getting a little ahead of myself." 

     "Don't worry you weren't, listen I want to go on double dates too."

     "Oh thank god I wasn't the only on thinking that." He puts his hand on his chest and laughs a bit. We continue to make our way to the building where we make dreams into reality.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter so far and I am sorry if I made any mistakes. Remember to vote if you enjoyed this chapter please and thank you! :D have a great day/afternoon/night.

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