Author's Note

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Honestly, I haven't thought about anything but this story and how it's been such a fun time writing everything out. As you guys can already see, I've ended it and I know its hectic not having to read it anymore and all and I apologize but then again I don't because I have some things to tell you guys!!

As you can also see  I've left off on a note where its seems like there should be another book so if you guess it, your right! Ahh!! So excited to start soon!

Also, if you guys want to know that if you read my other story after I finish that one I will for sure start the next book again for this sequel. I can't tell you guys how excited I am about starting and having some new shit to give to you guys. I can say that so much will happen and your minds will be blowed!!🔥🔥 I'll be sure to put all my effort in that story when I begin

Anyway, I hope you all are doing great because I am right now. Tell me some things, hows school? College? Jobs? Writing? Reading?? Anything and I'll answer back!

As I said before, my other story will be finished first and if you haven't checked it out then you should because its awesome! If you like this one, then you'll like that one.

I won't be revealing the title and stuff until later on more so be prepared! You probably won't hear from me until sometime after halloween so happy halloween to you bad asses!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR READING AND EVERYTHING! XX

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