The short girl looked up at her friend. He was begining to get on her nerves.
"Can't you go one minute without doing something stupid?" She scolded him, "we have a war to fight but you want to mess around like an idiot." He laughed at her.
He sang a song that always got on her nerves when they were younger. She wondered when she would actually snap and try to kill him. 'maybe right now' she wondered to herself. She knew deep down that she couldn't.
"Will you pipe down?" She glared at him. 'That damned baka is going to get us killed' she thought to herself. She looked around her large black wings stretched wide as she got ready to leap into the air.
"No I will not pipe down!" He hollered.
"GAVIN THORNTON JOYNER!" She yelled hitting him.
"Kjerstin. Stop being so damn serious, lighten up." Gavin looked at her, his green eyes cutting into her soul. She rolled her own dark violet eyes getting even more annoyed with him.
"In our day and age it's hard to." She grumbled not wanting to deal with him. In the distance she heard someone hollering. It was faint but the ears of a few could hear almost anything. From the sounds of it the king was going to attack.
Gavin looked at her. They knew what to do. He grabbed his staff and she grabbed her sword.
"The war is beginning I guess." Gavin chuckled mischievously. Gavin was a genius he just liked to mess around.
Kjerstin watched waiting. She stretched her wings out once more. The soft breeze brought about the cruel smell of hatred. She sighed not understanding why humans just could not get along.
"Horrid creatures." She mumbled.
Over the horizon she saw thousands of horses and men charging at them.
"Call the others." She said looking at Gavin.
"Yes, Milady." He bowed and went to do as he was told.
"Well father, you were right after all." She said out loud. "Let the games begin."