Following in your footsteps

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(Angel: as I said before, it was pretty obvious who your starter was going to be.)


(Y/n): "I!"

I point at charmander, the fire type Pokémon and the Pokémon my dad chose. Charmander started jumping in excitement, I assumed it never expected me to pick it.

Charmander: "Char char charmander!!"

I knelt down to its level.

(Y/n): "you and me, we're gonna be best friends *holds hand out* what do you say?"

Charmander looked confused for a second then it looked at it's hand and proceeded to shake mine.

Charmander: "char char!"

(Y/n): "haha, that's what I like to hear"

Professor Oak gave me the poke ball that Charmander came in. He smiled as he looked at how excited I was to get my first Pokémon. I decided to test out how the poke ball worked, I held it out and said the words Charmander return. A translucent red Ray of light and came out of the button of the poke ball and hit Charmander in the chest, Charmander was now enveloped in the red light and then shrunk into a smaller red beam which return to the poke ball. I didn't threw it out again allowing Charmander to be released. Gary then got his Pokémon, he chose Squirtle for obvious reasons.

Gary's POV

I doubt that (Y/n) is smart enough to know why I chose Squirtle instead of Bulbasaur. He really thinks he can get out of here without me beating him, oh I'll make sure his first battle will be his last. He then starts to walk away with his starter, but there's  was no way I was gonna let that happen.

Gary: "hey (Y/n), you get back here right now!"

(Y/n) And his Charmander both turn to face me. Confused looks on both of their faces.

Gary: "how about a battle, right here, right now!"

He looks at his Pokémon who returns the same look, then he looks at me with a confident smile.

(Y/n): "fine *looks at his charmander* you ready buddy?"

Charmander: "char!"

His Pokémon then jumped in front of him and looked at my Squirtle. The Charmander had a massive amount of confidence, I could see it in his eyes.

Gary: "alright squirtle, you're up"

Squirtle: "Squirtle!"

Squirtle did the same, and soon enough the battle had begun.

(Angel- do I have to explain how Pokémon battles work)

Oak- "ugh Gerald, why must you always be so rash?"

Gary- "MY NAME IS GARY!!!"

Oak- "that's what I said, Gabe."

I scoff and start focusing on the battle at hand. Unlike (Y/n), I actually studied up on all three starters attacks. I suspected that he would choose charmander, and even if my Squirtle hasn't learned a water type move yet, it'll only be a matter of time.

Gary: "Squirtle, use tackle!"

Squirtle: "Squirtle!"

Instantly, Squirtle charges at Charmander, white streaks leaving his body as he darts at the opponent.

(Y/n): "Charmander, get out of the way!"

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