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Blue eyes snapped open, revealing a blank almost dead gaze

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Blue eyes snapped open, revealing a blank almost dead gaze. The pools of blue flashed, letting a slightly more electric shade course through them before the man blinked, reopening his eyes to reveal a mesmerizing pair of deep blue eyes.

The man's pupils traveled downward to rest on the still peacefully sleeping woman by his side as he carefully propped his face on his hand to have a better look at her somewhat delicate face.

Only her figure reflected itself in his eyes as he began to appreciate her features once more. First her eyebrows, then her lashes, nose, and at last, her lips.

His eyes flashed with hidden emotions, his mind replayed their eventful night as satisfied yet dotting smile settled on his lips.

No matter the world, no matter how many times he guided her, her oral skills we're still lacking.

His eyes traveled down her silhouette, lingering on the form of her legs for a bit before he went back to staring at her face.

Well, she didn't lack stamina.

He cracked his neck in a used practice, and as if finding his inner reflection funny, chuckled. The low sound sending vibration along his torso.

He gently lifted his left hand and habitually tucked one of her brown locks behind her ear. He appreciated the minute trembling of her lashes before reaching and stroking her cheek.

Perhaps was it the feeling of her skin against his, he shivered, his tongue peeking out of his mouth to lick his upper lip. He felt a bit— hungry.

He forced his eyes shut, refraining this surging craving for the woman as he carefully exhaled.

Not yet.

Resuming his staring, he easily caught the woman's twitching as she emerged from oblivion. He wondered, was it time yet or would he 'forget' again before once more 'remembering.' He snickered.

Host 105874345 Host Ellena gently fluttered her eyes open, greeting the sight of her beloved's devilishly charming smile, she couldn't refrain the blush from spreading over her cheeks.

Ah, the look of want in his eyes.

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