"I'm so sorry"

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when five is there for you when you get a certain phone call

I was walking back home from work. I worked at a little cafe a few blocks away from the academy so it wasn't far to walk. I arrived at the door of the academy and as I was about to open the door I got a phone call. I took my phone out of my handbag and looked at it. It was my Mom. I answered it slowly. " Hi Y/N, how's things? " she asked, sorta hesitating. I was confused to as why she was calling me I only saw her a few days ago. " Yeah, good Mum, so what's up? " I asked opening the door and closing it slowly. She sighed " Honey, your Dad, he.. " she hesitated. I heard her sniff and I began to become worried. " Honey your Dad passed away! " she spat out in a teary voice. I became numb and dropped my phone. " Hey ba- " I slid down the door and tucked my knees into my face. " Y/N what's wrong? " Five said coming to my side.  I said nothing and cried. My father, my everything, he died and not by my side. I felt guilt and sadness arose on me. Five picked up my phone, that still had my Mom on the line. " Miss Y/L/N? Do you know what happened with Y/N? " he asked softly. I looked up at him with my know bloodshot eyes and puffy red cheeks. He looked me in the eyes as he listen to my Mom explain. " I'm so sorry, Miss Y/L/N. I will look after your daughter. " he said in a sad voice as he hung up. He sat down next to me and hugged me while my knees were still to my face. " I'm so sorry Y/N, I know you loved your Dad very much.. " he whispered in my ear. I immediately felt calm and sighed with a big yawn. He pulled his head off my shoulder and looked at me. " Long day at work? " he asked. I nodded and sniffed. He kissed my cheek and stood up. He picked me up which took me by surprise. He smirked at me and warped us back to my room. He laid me down on my bed and tucked me in.He smiled and kissed my head. He changed into his pjs and came and laid behind me. He got under my white, clean, sheets and snuggled his head into my neck crease. " I love you Y/N. " he whispered before closing his eyes. " I love you too.. " I whispered back. We soon drifted off to sleep.

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