Chapter 14: Reila One's Real Intention

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-Texas hotels-

The mail came from Cruz's phone.
"Cruz! I'm in Austin's race now! You only have to come alone! Okay?-Jackson Storm."

Cruz: Only...?

Lightning: Cruz. This could be a trap.

Ray: Yeah, maybe it's not sent by Storm.

Lightning: We'll have to start with the operation first...

Cruz: Yeah, I see... Rise.

Rise: Huh?

Cruz: Are you good with machines and electronics?

Rise: Uh... Yeah... Why...?

Cruz: Oh... Just in case...

Rise: ...?

Austin Race (Evening)

At sunset, the Cruz went by itself, as written in the mail. After entering the race stadium, Jackson is wearing a scarf in his mouth, the tires are in shackles, and the chains are tied to the poles.

When embarrassed, Cruz embarrassed Jackson, and in the meantime, Reila pulled out a knife and stabbed it next to the Cruz. When Cruz hurts, the tire collapsed.

Jackson: Ooooop!!! Ooooop!!! (Cruz!!!)

Reila: Now look what you've done, Jackson... Oh, don't worry... Our secret will die with her... And as for us...

Jackson: Oop-oop !! (No Cruz!!!)

Reila: We are going where no one! Will ever find you, again...! Jackson, you really...! Enough all ready! STOP FIGHTING ME!!!

Jackson: No! I won't stop! I will keep fighting with you...! Time and time again and again!!! I will always fight you!!!

Cruz: Ugh...

Reila: Enough Jackson! No matter how you struggle, it's no use! How are you, the prince of the starlit kingdom, to fight me?!

Cruz: What...?!

Jackson: It's starlight! Leila!!!

Reila: You... You can call my name without fear?!

Jackson: Argh!!! Reila Storm... No! Reila Concealed!!! No matter how you are, your power, wealth, and honor can never catch my heart!!!

Reila: Quiet!!!!!! (sound diameter)
You!!! Even if you're not my son, but I'm your mother!!! Okay?! No matter how kidnapping you and I hate this frivolous mother acting, I had to act in order to protect this power, wealth and honor!!! Stupid you've been tricked so well that I'm famous, but say goodbye to that stupid bitch!!!

Jackson: You will fail!!!

Reila: No...! I will be successful forever!!! OH HO HO HO HO!!!!

???: Annnnd...! CUT!!!

When they heard some voice, Reila and Jackson looked in the stands and there was a Rise holding the camera.

Rise (looking at the camera): Have you seen it all?! Jackson Storm was the prince of Starlight Kingdom!!! And Reila Storm- I mean, Reila Concealed kidnaps Storm, and pretends to be a mother to stay in power! OH WOW~! Was that chairman's liar?!

When Rise says that, they're all recorded on TV and billboards. People all blame to Leila.

Resident 1: Bad guy!!!

Resident 2: Boo!!!

Resident 3: Worst!!!

Reila: What happened to this?! (embarrassed)

Cruz: I knew it and I set up the operation ahead of time...!

Jackson: Cruz! (Fortunately)

Reila: Damn it!!! (Fleeding)!!! (embarrassed)

Police 1: Reila Concealed! You are kidnapped, violent and illegal! I'll arrest you!

Reila: How...!?

Rise: (giggled)(Hold the phone)

Reila: Grrrr...!!! (rage) (arrest)

Rise: Storm! Are you okay?

Jackson: Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, release the shackles faster than that! Quickly!

Rise: Oh! Okay...! (Shackle off) Done!

Jackson: Cruz! Are you okay?!

Cruz: Yeah... I'm fine. better than that... Are you the real prince?!

Jackson: I didn't know that...

Rise: Whoa... There are so many secrets I didn't know?

Jackson: Is that so...? (Laughter)

Lightning: Kids! Are you all right?!

Cruz: Yeah... it hurts a bit... (laughs) OW!

Lightning: (gasped) Hurry Guido! Heal your wounds!

Guido: Okeh!

Cruz: Thanks, Guido. (smile)

Lightning: (sigh of relief) I'm glad you were Prince Storm you?

Jackson: Yeah...

Fillmore: This is an unexpected reversal man...?

Ray: We were surprised too!

Danny: I can't believe you were a prince bro!

Reila: Let go of this!!! Ugh! Jackson...! (Anger)

Jackson: Well, there's a place that goes well with you... (joke) (smile)

Reila: Don't think it's over! I will come to revenge someday...!

Police 1: Shut up!

Reila: Grrr...(Go away)

Cruz: What happens to that crook?

Rise: Are you going to live very badly? But check it out!!! Fook!!! Ugh...

Everyone: (laughs)

Jackson: Rise... You're the best friend in my world.

Rise: !!! (Gasped)(I'm impressed) Jackson... I'm so impressed by that ...!! (Hugged Jackson)

Jackson: Hey, let me go...! (disgusts)

Everyone: (laughs)

Case Resolution!!! 😆😆😆 The next time reunite with parents Jackson! I'm really looking forward to it!!!

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